Advanced Uninstaller Pro is a useful tool designed to help you uninstall applications on your computer, including stubborn ones like antivirus software, large-sized, and complexly configured programs. Moreover, this utility can remove leftover data and fix hardware errors in your computer.
Why do many people choose Advanced Uninstaller Pro?
- Completely uninstall all installed applications on your computer, leaving no fragments on the drive, unlike the built-in Add/Remove Programs tool on Windows.
- Search for and eliminate duplicate files, shortcuts, and unnecessary hidden folders...
- Safeguard personal information while browsing the web by removing browsing history, temporary Internet files, cookies, cache...
- Backup and restore errors in the Windows Registry.
- Enhance the system performance and free up space on the hard drive.
System Requirements
- Install Advanced Uninstaller Pro on various types of computers using any version of the Windows operating system, such as Windows 2K, Windows XP, Windows Vista/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit).
- Computer should have +128MB RAM.
Guide: How to Install Advanced Uninstaller Pro for Application Removal on Your Computer, PC
Step 1: Open the folder containing the Advanced Uninstaller Pro installation file named advanced-uninstaller-pro.exe, or if it's not already on your computer, you can download the latest version of the software here: Download Advanced Uninstaller Pro
Step 2: Choose Next to continue the installation process or Cancel if you do not wish to install Advanced Uninstaller Pro.
Step 3: A notification appears with terms set by the manufacturer that you must agree to before proceeding with the installation. Select I accept the agreement to agree to these terms.
Click Next to proceed
Step 4: The manufacturer allows you to freely choose the folder to store the Advanced Uninstaller Pro installation file. Modify the path by clicking on Browser to select a folder or use the default one provided, on the C:\ drive.
Click Next.
Step 5: Check the box 'Create a desktop icon' if you want to place the utility's icon on the desktop or simply set the icon in the taskbar by selecting 'Pin Advanced Uninstaller Pro to taskbar'. Choose one or both options.
Click Next to proceed
Step 6: The installation of Advanced Uninstaller Pro takes place swiftly, completing in just a few seconds.
Step 7: A notification window confirms the successful installation of Advanced Uninstaller Pro. You can immediately use this utility by selecting 'Launch Advanced Uninstaller Pro'.
Click Finish to close the window.
User interface of Advanced Uninstaller Pro after successful installation.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro brings you the most exceptional features that not every software with similar functions possesses. Hopefully, this article will assist those who are still unsure about how to install Advanced Uninstaller Pro for optimal effectiveness.