Installing APKPure on BlueStacks, an Android emulator, enables users to download and play numerous blockbuster games not officially released in Vietnam on their computers. Say goodbye to worries about lag, insufficient system configuration, and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.
Use APKPure to download and install games on BlueStacks
How to Download and Install APKPure on BlueStacks
Step 1: Download the APKPure file using the link below.
- Android version download link: APKPure for Android
Step 2: Open the BlueStacks Android emulator on your computer.
- Reference: How to Use BlueStacks
Step 3: Press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+B to access the Install APK section. Choose the downloaded APKPure file from Step 1 => click Open.
Step 4: When the APKPure icon appears on BlueStacks, it means you have successfully installed it. To download a game or app, click on APKPure.
Step 5: Enter the game name or app name you want to install in the search bar. For example, if Mytour wants to download and install the game Hay Day by Supercell (a game not released in Vietnam) => select the Hay Day game from the search results.
Step 6: Click Install to install and press Open to launch the game.
- Log in to your account and play the game Hay Day on BlueStacks.
Moreover, if you regularly enjoy games from China, Taiwan, South Korea, etc., without wanting to use Fake IP or VPN for game downloads, install the Taptap app on BlueStacks. This method is widely adopted by many professional gamers.
- Reference: How to Install TapTap on BlueStacks