Fortnite has introduced numerous changes in Season 5, with a redesigned map and new abilities. One notable feature in Fortnite Season 5 enables players to instantly teleport within short range using crystal-dash. This additional mobility option may seem like a minor change, but it holds significant meaning and will impact Fortnite in the future. And here's how to teleport instantly in Fortnite Season 5.
Instantaneous Movement Techniques in Fortnite Season 5
1. Gathering Crystal-dash Teleportation Crystals
To teleport instantly in Fortnite Season 5, all players need to do is collect Crystal-dash teleportation crystals on the map. Then, players simply need to double jump to teleport a short distance. This instantaneous teleportation method seems to not pass through walls and unfortunately, there is very little information available about this movement at the current time.
However, its usefulness is quite evident. One of the worst situations in Fortnite is having to cross an open field while being shot at. This teleportation method helps players quickly leap across open terrain and avoid wasting resources as well as risks.
Furthermore, this mobility option brings additional benefits alongside avoiding enemy gunfire. It allows players to bypass enemy defenses and approach targets from different angles.
2. This Mobility Mechanism is What Fortnite Needs
Fortnite has long struggled to balance building and shooting aspects, and it's fair to say that for many, building in Fortnite is considered far more crucial.
While building alone isn't sufficient for victory, those with good building skills can control enemy movements, pin down targets, and defend themselves against attacks from all sides.
The final season seems to strive for balancing these two aspects, namely balancing offense and defense by introducing superpowers that can deal massive damage to buildings or destroy entire towers. With the new mobility, players can simply dash away or dash in at the right moment to escape danger or exploit gaps in their opponent's gameplay.
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Furthermore, since instantaneous relocation consumes resources that players must gather throughout the match, players should consider where and when to use it. Overall, it will create some exciting moments in Fortnite Season 5.
You can also check out the top games like Fortnite under 200MB for Android if you want to experience more interesting things.
- Explore more: Top Android games like Fortnite under 200 MB.