Free Fire has also started opening up registration for players to join,
Currently, there is still no detailed information about the new AUG gun, but it is certain that it will appear in Free Fire OB23. If you have used this AUG gun in other games, you will know that it is often classified as a weapon with extremely high attack and damage capabilities. For gamers with access to the Advance Server, you can try this gun right now.
Free Fire's new AUG gun has appeared in other battle royale games like PUBG Mobile, and is now making its way to Free Fire. It can be equipped with all the accessories available in the game, such as Muzzle, Magazine, Foregrip, Stock, Scope, and Silencer. The specialized AUG rifle will be a great addition, allowing gamers more choices when playing in Free Fire.
The appearance of the new AUG gun is sure to bring the most unique gun combinations from players. Just hearing about it makes the Battle Royale battlefield much more enticing, don't you think?