Is this perhaps the imitation of Baldur's Gate 3 by the sorcerers from the Far East?


Frequently Asked Questions


Why do mobile games imitate successful games like Baldur's Gate 3?

Mobile games often imitate successful games to capitalize on their popularity and draw attention. By using familiar imagery and themes, these knockoffs aim to attract fans of the original game.

What was the response from Baldur's Gate 3's publishing director to the knockoff game?

The publishing director, Michael Douse, expressed disappointment over the knockoff game through a Twitter post, featuring an image of the imitative game and a famous female judge expressing disapproval.

How did the knockoff game, Balder War: Epic Immortal RPG, get removed from the Apple Store?

The knockoff game was removed from the Apple Store after it gained attention from Michael Douse's viral tweet. It's unclear if the store detected it or if Larian Studios reported it.

Why do people suspect that the knockoff game is of Chinese origin?

The suspicion arises because Chinese developers are known for their ability to quickly create high-quality games, including redrawing art and producing imitative games in a short time, as seen with the knockoff game's rapid creation.