Kagurabachi is a Shonen manga crafted by Takeru Hokazono and released in Weekly Shonen Jump in mid-September 2023.
The manga Kagurabachi quickly gained fame upon its initial chapters, grabbing the attention of Shonen Jump's higher-ups.
Yuta Momiyama, the mastermind behind Jump+ and Manga Plus at Shueisha, shared insights into the escalating impact of Kagurabachi. What's intriguing is that this announcement was made in the context of the launch of a new Manga Plus subscription catalog, promising readers deeper access to their favorite stories.
Momiyama emphasized that Kagurabachi is becoming a phenomenon, standing out not only in Japan but also among international readers.
What makes Kagurabachi
According to Momiyama, the issue is no longer 'conquer Japan first, then the world.' Nowadays, when a quality comic is released, it has the potential to immediately capture global readers' attention, each reading the story in their native language.
Global readers seem to be on the brink of a revolution, where any new series has the potential to become a global hit almost instantly. And Kagurabachi leads the charge in this change. Despite only three chapters released so far, the series is generating interaction levels on Manga Plus comparable to giants like Chainsaw Man and Boruto: Two Blue Vortex.
In fact, many are praising this rookie manga as one of the greatest manga of all time, with a phenomenon dubbed Kagura Bachi Glazing.
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