There are various templates for this authorization letter. Depending on the scope of authorization such as buying a car, using a car, receiving salary on behalf, handling business affairs, buying and selling land... there will be different templates. Therefore, before downloading and using, please read the content carefully to avoid choosing the wrong one or making mistakes when compiling documents.
1.1. Personal Authorization Letter Template
Download the template HERE.
1.2. The Most Standard Land Use Authorization Letter Template in 2023
Download the template HERE.
1.3. Latest Handwritten Authorization Letter Template
Download the template HERE.
1.4. Authorization Letter Template for Relatives
Download the template HERE.
1.5. Company Authorization Letter for Individuals
Download the template HERE.
1.6. Job Resolution Authorization Letter Template
Download the template HERE.
1.7. Receipt of Money Authorization Letter Template
Download the template HERE.
1.8. Authorization Letter for Settlement of Personal Income Tax 2023
Download the template HERE.
1.9. Motorbike Authorization Letter Template
Download the template HERE.
2. Tips for Drafting an Authorization Letter
Writing an authorization letter is not difficult, however, you need to write it correctly because everything is related to the law and is a civil transaction. To write in the correct standard, you should refer to the following tips:
- Differentiate between Authorization Letter and Power of Attorney:
+ Authorization Letter: It does not require the participation of the authorized party, has a low legal binding nature, so the authorized person may not perform the authorized tasks without bearing any legal responsibility.
+ Power of Attorney Contract: It is an agreement between both the authorizing and authorized parties, established on a legal basis. Therefore, it has a higher legal binding nature, and the authorized party is obligated to perform the authorized tasks. Power of Attorney contracts often come with fees.
- Legal Entities in Authorization Relationships:
+ Individuals: The authorized party has full civil legal capacity, as stipulated in Article 20 of the Civil Code 2015.
+ Organizations: Whether legal entities or not.
- Authorization letters related to surrogacy agreements must comply with Article 96(2) of the Marriage and Family Law 2014.
- An authorization letter must include the following basic information:
+ Provide complete information of the two parties: the authorizing party and the authorized party to serve as the basis for the authorized person to perform the delegated tasks
+ Clearly specify the time to avoid misuse of authorization at other times
+ Clearly state the content to prevent the authorized person from abusing the authorization to perform other tasks
+ Agree on responsibilities in case of disputes
+ If there is a basis for authorization, provide detailed presentation to make a reasonable basis for the authorization
- English Power of Attorney Templates:
+ Known as Power Of Attorney, it is a legal document used in cases where at least one party is a foreigner and the language used is English.
All authorization letter templates are applied according to legal regulations, both parties need to carefully negotiate to reach agreements, avoiding unwanted disputes later on. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, and we will respond as soon as possible.