Depending on the purpose, individuals/organizations will choose to request various types of confirmation letters from the competent authority. Keep these 9 popular, latest confirmation letter templates handy for when you need them!
Latest and Most Accurate Confirmation Templates 2020 for Personal Information, Employment Confirmation, Family Confirmation, Marital Status Confirmation,...
1. What is a Confirmation Letter? What is it used for?
2. Common Confirmation Letter Templates Today.
2.1. Personal Confirmation Letter.
2.2. Work Confirmation Letter.
2.3. Internship Confirmation Letter.
2.4. Income Confirmation Letter.
2.5. Company Employment Confirmation Letter.
2.6. Marriage Status Confirmation Letter.
2.7. Civil Status Confirmation Letter.
2.8. Debt Confirmation Letter.
3. Tips for Writing Confirmation Letters.
1. What is a Confirmation Letter? What is it used for?
Currently, there is no specific legal document regulating various types of confirmation letters. Depending on the usage, a confirmation letter is defined as a form that individuals submit to a certain agency or unit to confirm a content that has already occurred or is occurring there.
There are numerous types of confirmation letter templates such as: personal identification confirmation, single status confirmation, household registration confirmation, income confirmation, employment confirmation, work confirmation... The common point of these documents is that they all have the national emblem & motto, information of the confirming person, confirmation request content, information of the requester, and the purpose of the confirmation...
2. Common Confirmation Letter Templates Today
2.1. Personal Identification Confirmation Template
The personal identification confirmation template is used to confirm information related to an individual's relatives, serving the purpose of reemployment, reissuing various documents related to that individual's relatives.
* Air Travel Personal Identification Confirmation Form
* Form for Requesting Personal Identification Confirmation for Other Purposes
If you're searching for a personal information confirmation form for purposes such as real estate transactions, job applications, preparing labor export documentation,..., readers can download the form below.
2.2. Employment Confirmation Form
The employment confirmation form (professional confirmation letter) is a document for individuals to request confirmation of current employment at a particular unit. This type of document is often required when individuals apply for visa, loan from banks or credit cards,...
2.3. Internship Confirmation Form
An internship confirmation form is a document that students need to complete to request confirmation of their individual internship experience at the registered organization.
2.4. Income Confirmation Form
An income confirmation form (income verification letter) is a document certifying the actual monthly income of individuals working at various organizations, companies.
2.5. Employment Confirmation Form
The employment confirmation form (employment verification letter) is a widely used form at agencies, organizations for individuals applying for visas, proving income for bank loans, studying abroad,...
2.6. Marriage Status Confirmation Form
A marriage status confirmation form (single status certificate) is a document verifying an individual's marital status, issued by the local government to facilitate procedures such as marriage registration, loan applications, real estate transactions,...
2.7. Civil Status Confirmation Form
A civil status confirmation form is a document used to prove an individual's civil capacity (no criminal record, legal issues,...). This form is often used by agencies, organizations to screen job applicants before agreeing to employment.
2.8. Debt Confirmation Form
A debt confirmation statement is a document prepared to record outstanding debts (unpaid amounts from buying and selling goods, services) between individuals, organizations, businesses.
3. Tips for Writing Confirmation Letters
- Provide accurate information truthfully.
- Clearly state the specific time and location of the confirmation.
- Confirmation letters should bear the signature and seal of the confirming authority to ensure the document's validity.
- For company employee confirmation letters, they only confirm individual information, employment details without verifying background, residence, or income.
Here are the Confirmation Letter Templates provided by the commune People's Committee, confirmation letter application newest and most accurate compiled and shared by Mytour. If you have any other questions related to this type of document, please leave a comment below, and we will continuously update and respond to our readers.