Uncover another fascinating interaction in League of Legends recently spotted by the gaming community.
Most LMHT players are well aware that breaking the Main Base requires demolishing both defensive turrets. However, breaking at least one Lane House is mandatory to achieve this, as the Main Base's defensive turrets enter an invulnerable state if all Lane Houses are still standing. Nevertheless, a gamer recently discovered a captivating interaction with Bard that allows you to attack the Main Base even when all 3 Lane Houses are still standing. To execute this, you need to unleash Bard's ultimate, Cosmic Binding, on the two Main Base turrets at the precise moment when the Lane Houses have just respawned.

In a recent revelation, a gamer discovered a highly intriguing interaction with the champion Bard, enabling players to assault the Main Base towers even when all three Lane Houses are still intact. To achieve this, one must cast Bard's ultimate ability, Cosmic Binding, on the two Main Base towers just as the Lane Houses are recovering.
Details on how to break the Main Base when all 3 Lane Houses are still standing
Basically, when the Lane Houses regenerate, they grant an invulnerability buff to the two Main Base turrets, making them impervious to being selected as targets. However, by casting Bard's ultimate, Cosmic Binding, as mentioned above, the two Main Base turrets will be 'turned to gold,' rendering them unable to receive this buff. This allows the turrets to be attacked normally when Bard's ultimate effect expires, making these crucial structures vulnerable to destruction.

In essence, this discovery carries a sense of amusement and is mostly impractical. The primary reason lies in Bard's extremely low pick rate, making his presence scarce in matches. Furthermore, the current fast-paced nature of snowballing in League of Legends renders breaking one Lane House and pushing straight to the Main Base a common occurrence rather than a rarity. This interaction likely only proves effective in drawn-out and tug-of-war matches.