Live streaming Facebook videos is a newly introduced feature that has garnered widespread popularity among users worldwide. The process of streaming this video is quite simple.
To perform live streaming, you need to have a Facebook account. If you don't have one, you can refer to the article on how to register for Facebook. To better understand this guide, switch the language to Vietnamese. You can refer to the article changing Facebook language for this purpose. Below, will guide you on how to live stream Facebook videos directly on Asus devices.
Guide to Live streaming Facebook videos on Asus devices
To live stream Facebook videos, you first need to have the Facebook app on your device. If you don't have it yet, you can download it below:
Get Facebook for Android: Download the latest version of Facebook for Android
Get Facebook for iPhone: Download Facebook for iPhone
Get Facebook for Windows Phone: Download Facebook for Windows Phone
Step 1: Log in to Facebook, Choose your status
Step 2: Here, select Go Live. Instantly, the app will switch to Video preparation mode. Add a description and select Go Live when ready.
Step 3: The screen will wait for a few seconds to start the live video. While recording, the screen will display 'live.' Press Finish when you want to end the video.
Note: The video duration should not exceed 90 minutes.
Step 4: The screen will display a notification that the live video has been broadcasted. Press Done to exit. Your video will appear on the timeline.
That concludes the simple and quick process of live streaming Facebook videos on Asus. In case Facebook is blocked and inaccessible, refer to the method of accessing Facebook when it's blocked to find the quickest way in.