The lyrics of 'Orphan White Bird' at the beginning of the song immediately paint a picturesque scene of the countryside, overflowing with beauty and familiarity, rich with warmth and emotion.
Lyrics of the song 'Orphan White Bird'
The lyrics of 'Orphan White Bird' not only depict the beautiful countryside but also express the love between two souls: 'In the village's evening, we happily play, you're the stork, I'm the orphaned myna...'. The song 'Orphan White Bird' has been performed by many artists, but it seems that the duo Cẩm Ly- Đan Trường have succeeded more than anyone else.
Watch the video of 'Orphan White Bird' performed by Đan Trường and Cẩm Ly
Watch the remix video of 'Orphan White Bird'
Watch the beat video of 'Orphan White Bird'
Download the cover of 'Orphan White Bird' mp3 here
Lyrics of 'Orphan White Bird'
Your love is like the water of a long river
The water nourishes the blossoming trees
My love is like the green rice in the field
The rice plants await the blooming season
In the village's evening, we happily play
You're the stork, I'm the orphaned myna
Reeds divide the two riverbanks
You're by the rising tide, I'm by the eroding bank, waiting
I miss the sound of the roof ridge pushing
I remember the sorrowful melody of love
The tune echoes the wait
When the rice season comes, we'll reunite
The moon is about to fade away, drifting away from the dock
The myna bird flies far, never to return
I still wait for you here by the eroding bank
Then miss and long for you, waiting for your song
I miss the wailing birds
I miss the carp in the field
Hearing the orphan white bird
Who's left to remember and long for whom?
Oh dear beloved (oh dear beloved)
Oh dear beloved, I love and wait for you
The melancholic water sings a longing song
The rice season has long been ripe
But for so long, you haven't visited.
Oh orphan myna bird (white bird of solace)
Orphan myna bird, I wait for you with longing
The white egret cries in the night, echoing in my heart.
Sitting, missing you, I gaze up at the sky
The myna bird doesn't return, the egret is orphaned
I miss you so much, why don't you come.
The lyrics of 'Orphan White Bird' combined with its sweet, profound melody truly evoke the sentiment of homeland love, bringing sweet emotions to the audience. Though the white bird is lonely and abandoned, I still love and wait for you. The rice season has long been ripe, yet I haven't seen you visit. Then I hastily blame you, why haven't you come to visit so the egret can cry and echo in my heart. The lyrics of 'Orphan White Bird' truly bring deep, sincere emotions to the listeners.
Download 'Orphan White Bird' song
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