Apply the following insights immediately to enhance your climbing speed in Teamfight Tactics ranked mode.
If you're a seasoned TFT player, you're likely familiar with the name Bebe872. This Korean gamer holds the record for the fastest rank climb globally, achieving Challenger rank in four consecutive seasons. Just days ago, Bebe872 became the first player to reach this milestone in Season 7, a truly remarkable feat.

Sharing insights during his streams, Bebe872 emphasizes two primary end-game strategies for securing the top spot in the current meta (at level 9). The first involves a composition centered around Ao Shin and Yasuo, supported by multiple 4- and 5-cost champions. The second recommended lineup revolves around Dragon's Soul synergy with Xayah and Shyvana as core units. Both strategies rely on a favorable start, maintaining health, and reaching level 9 as early as possible.

For strong early-game compositions, Bebe872 advises players to prioritize Ezreal as their carry. This is due to the cost-effectiveness of Ezreal-centric compositions, leveraging Taric and Leona's exceptional tankiness. This composition can evolve into various late-game setups, including Dragon, Electric, or even Ranger compositions, given the right conditions.

Regarding itemization, Bebe872 suggests that Statikk Shiv and Sunfire Cape are the strongest items in the early game, offering significant damage and compatibility with most current compositions. Additionally, he discourages players from rushing Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, and other powerful items too early, as they excel with specific champions and synergize better with supplementary damage items.

Another note from Bebe872 regarding itemization for carries is his tendency to prioritize items that enhance sustain rather than damage. A prime example is his recommendation to always prioritize Bloodthirster for physical carries like Shi Oh Yo, SyFen, Xayah, or even Corki. Essentially, these champions already deal significant damage with their abilities, so supplementing them with healing items allows them to withstand prolonged engagements, offering more benefits than purely offensive items like Infinity Edge, for instance.