Mobifone is a leading mobile network provider in Vietnam. If you own a Mobifone number, it's crucial to know the prefixes associated with Mobifone to take advantage of their special messaging and on-net calling packages, helping you save on usage costs.
Here's the latest compilation of Mobifone's prefixes for 2024:
Mobifone currently offers 8 mobile phone prefixes: 090, 093, 0120, 0121, 0122, 0126, 0128, 089.
Among these, there are 3 phone numbers with 10 digits and 5 phone numbers with 11 digits:
Mobifone's 10-digit mobile phone numbers:
- 090
- 093
- 089
Mobifone's 11-digit mobile phone numbers:
- 0120
- 0121
- 0122
- 0126
- 0128
From now on, simply by looking at the phone number prefix, you can identify if it belongs to Mobifone or another network. This allows you to adjust your usage or select suitable on-net packages to avoid excessive charges for calls and messages. Best of luck to you all!