Moving Out at 18 with Empty Pockets: A How-To Guide


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the essential steps to take before moving out on a budget?

Before moving out on a budget, it's crucial to plan ahead by securing employment, saving at least 3-6 months' worth of living expenses, and establishing checking and savings accounts. Additionally, creating a detailed budget helps track your income and expenses effectively.

How can I effectively build my savings before moving out of my family home?

To build your savings effectively, aim to allocate 20% of your income each month towards your savings. Consider cutting unnecessary subscriptions, cooking at home instead of dining out, and utilizing free entertainment options to maximize your savings.

What life skills should I learn before living independently?

Before moving out, it's essential to develop life skills such as cooking, cleaning, laundry management, and grocery shopping. Enhancing these skills will help ensure a smoother transition into independent living and improve your self-sufficiency.

Is it important to establish credit before moving out on my own?

Yes, establishing credit is important before moving out, as a solid credit history can help you qualify for loans and rental applications. Consider applying for a secured credit card and managing it responsibly to build your credit score.

How can I find affordable housing options that fit my budget?

To find affordable housing, aim for rental accommodations that cost about one-third of your monthly income. Utilize online platforms, local listings, and property management companies to explore various neighborhoods and visit multiple properties before making a decision.