Sample Response:
My dad often says, 'A child has a mother, and people have their roots,' instilling in us the importance of cherishing our origins. Every summer break, he takes us on a journey to revisit our roots.
Each return to the countryside fills me with joy. My hometown, situated by the sea, boasts a refreshing climate. Despite its modest means, the locals are close-knit and friendly. During these visits, I receive affectionate attention from the elders, joining them in the salt fields to marvel at the pristine white expanses. A tale comes to mind, 'Love for a parent is like flesh and salt.' Salt, though inexpensive, holds great value. Watching them make salt in makeshift tents, I witness the labor and hardship that goes into each crystal, as my father says, 'Each salt crystal forms from the sea's saltiness and the sweat's bitterness of the salt-makers.' Some days, older siblings take me to the expansive sea, a source of great fascination. I avoid swimming due to its saltiness, akin to rinsing my mouth with saltwater in the evening. Instead, I prefer wading near the shore, letting the sea water engulf my feet. I revel in playful moments on the sandy beaches, especially building intricate sandcastles. I even collect seashells to adorn my creations, although they are often swept away during high tide, leading to tears, comforted by older siblings. Back in the countryside, I seize the chance to witness mesmerizing sunsets and sunrises over the sea, embracing a new day. Only in the village, amid the vast natural scenery, can I gaze at the moon and stars. During those nights, sitting on the porch with knees hugged close, I listen to my grandmother's stories, gazing at the myriad stars glittering in the night sky. The wind rustles through the bamboo fences, creating a serene ambiance absent in the bustling city. Country life is fascinating; it imparts valuable lessons through experiences like salt field visits, seaside adventures, and traditional games such as kite-flying and soccer on expansive grasslands.
As always, on the day of returning to Hanoi, tears flow. I don't want to leave; I just want to stay in the countryside with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. No matter how they console me, I persistently shed tears, declaring, 'Next summer, I'll be back in the village.' Each return reveals new intriguing discoveries.
Thus, we suggest the next essay topic: 'Tell a story about visiting your grandparents.' Prepare thoroughly for the content 'Narrate an experience with your grandfather.' Pair it with 'Imagine 20 years from now, on a summer day, you revisit your old school' to excel in your Vietnamese Literature studies.
Hone your writing skills by crafting a passage describing the beauty of your local surroundings. It's an effective method to refine and enhance your ability to depict scenes.