The storyline of the short series 'School Gamers' is gradually reaching its peak.
'School Gamers' is a short series produced by Hero Team featuring well-known figures in the streaming/Youtuber community such as Mister Duck, Simmy Cat, Sammy Dao... investing and participating in acting. The plot revolves around the lives of a group of final-year students with a passionate interest in one of the most restricted professions by parents, which is becoming YouTubers, gamers...
Being the epitome of success in terms of views and subscribers, 'School Gamers' once again confirms the popularity of the cast as episode 3 immediately dominates the top trending on YouTube.
While episode 2 focused on Mister Duck's reaction after discovering his parents are garbage collectors, episode 3 reveals the less-than-warm, less-than-happy family situation of Close Range. Amidst the glamorous Sai Thanh, the family of two, including him and his father, can only live in a small, dilapidated attic room.
Disaster strikes when Close Range's father, who works as a porter, suddenly collapses beside a cold plate of hastily cooked eggs after returning home. Despite being urged to see a doctor, Close Range can't shake off his father's stubborn belief that 'no illness, no need for a check-up'.
The next day, right after an unproductive study session with classmates, Close Range received a phone call informing him that his father had been hospitalized. Though he had survived a critical condition, the situation worsened, necessitating immediate heart surgery. Despite advice and financial support from classmates, along with savings from Mister Duck's extra work, he remained steadfast in his decision to drop out and seek employment to support his family.
Knowing that dropping out of school means lacking qualifications, only being able to do manual labor to earn meager wages, Close Range confided his hardships to Mister Duck, stating the need to find a suitable heart donor. Even if found, the cost of surgery is prohibitively high. Apart from dropping out to work and hoping to find a suitable heart for his father, there is no other option.
Just a few days after release, episode 3 of the short series 'School Gamers' reached over 1 million views and received extremely positive feedback from fans. The ending trailer of episode 3 also revealed Close Range's life after hitting a dead end, as well as the sudden disappearance of the YouTube earnings of Siro's group... The next developments of 'School Gamers' will be unveiled in episode 4, scheduled to premiere next week.
Image: Compilation