How Far is it from Hue to Phu Quoc by Air?
The estimated distance from Hue to Phu Quoc by air is about 1,417 km. Flights from Hue to Phu Quoc are currently operated by Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet Air.
How Far is it from Hue to Phu Quoc by Road?
To travel from Hue to Phu Quoc, you will need to use various means of transportation as there is no direct connection between these two locations. Specifically, you can take a bus from Hue to Rach Gia, covering approximately 1,270 km on Highway 1A with a travel time of about 23 hours and 21 minutes. Then, you can take a high-speed boat to Phu Quoc, which is about 155 km.
Alternatively, you can also travel by bus from Hue to Ha Tien, covering around 1,351 km, and then continue by high-speed boat for approximately 74 km to Phu Quoc.
The Distance from Hue to Phu Quoc by Road
Transportation Options from Hue to Phu Quoc
Air Transportation
Flying is the most popular choice of transportation for passengers traveling from Hue to Phu Quoc due to its safety and speed.
Book Flights from Hue to Phu Quoc
According to statistics, the frequency of flights from Hue to Phu Quoc is approximately one flight per day. You will depart from Phu Bai Airport (Hue) to Phu Quoc Airport (Kien Giang).
> Hue - Phu Quoc Flight Ticket Prices: From 299,000 VND (excluding taxes and fees)
> Flight Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. (See detailed information at: Flight duration from Hue to Phu Quoc)
Transportation from Hue to Phu Quoc by road
Firstly, you need to travel by bus or motorbike from Hue to Rach Gia or Ha Tien. You can refer to the following information:
- By Bus: High-quality bus companies operate regular routes from Hue to Rach Gia or Ha Tien, such as Thao Nhan, Trong Thang, Bao Nhung, Nam Dat, and more.
> Bus Ticket Prices: From 460,000 to 990,000 VND per trip (depending on the bus company and the quality of the bus).
> Travel Time: Approximately 23 - 26 hours.
Bus from Hue to Rach Gia
- Motorbike: To enjoy the natural scenery and save costs for your trip, you can travel by motorbike from Hue to Rach Gia or Ha Tien. However, since the distance is quite far, ensure you are in good health for the journey.
> Travel Time: Approximately 25 - 28 hours.
After arriving in Rach Gia or Ha Tien, you will proceed to Phu Quoc Island by high-speed boat. Refer to the transportation information below:
- Information about high-speed ferry from Rach Gia to Phu Quoc:
+ Ferry Schedule:
Boat Name | Departure Time | Travel Time |
Superdong | 07:10 | 165 minutes |
Phu Quoc Express | 07:20 | 130 minutes |
Phu Quoc Express | 10:20 | 130 minutes |
Superdong | 10:30 | 165 minutes |
Phu Quoc Express | 12:40 | 130 minutes |
Superdong | 13:10 | 165 minutes |
+ Ferry ticket prices (VND):
Boat Name | VIP (No Age Restriction) | Adult (12 - 59 years old) | Elderly (>59 years old) | Children (6 - 11 years old) |
Phu Quoc Express | 540,000 | 340,000 | 270,000 | 270,000 |
Superdong | 330,000 | 330,000 | 280,000 | 240,000 |
* Ticket prices include VAT and insurance fees, bottled water & cold towels
Alternatively, you can take a flight from Rach Gia to Phu Quoc. Currently, flights from Rach Gia to Phu Quoc are operated by Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways. Flights depart from Rach Gia Airport (Kien Giang) and arrive at Phu Quoc Airport (Kien Giang).
Airline | Flight Frequency | Earliest Flight | Latest Flight |
Vietnam Airlines | 1 flight/day | 13:05 | 13:05 |
Bamboo Airways | 3 flights/week (Tue, Thu, Sat) | 10:40 | 10:40 |
Rach Gia to Phu Quoc Flight Schedule
- High-speed boat information from Ha Tien to Phu Quoc:
+ Boat schedule:
Boat Name | Departure Time | Travel Time |
Superdong | 07:10 | 75 minutes |
Phu Quoc Express | 07:30 | 70 minutes |
Superdong | 12:00 | 75 minutes |
Phu Quoc Express | 12:30 | 70 minutes |
+ Ticket prices (VNĐ):
Boat Name | VIP (no age distinction) | Adult (12 - 59 years old) | Elderly (>59 years old) | Children (6 - 11 years old) |
Phu Quoc Express | 350,000 | 250,000 | 200,000 | 200,000 |
Superdong | 230,000 | 230,000 | 195,000 | 160,000 |
* Ticket prices include VAT and insurance fees, bottled water & cold towels, and 01 complimentary drink for VIP seats
Superdong Boat
Suggested itinerary for traveling from Hue to Phu Quoc
You can consider the suggested itinerary for a 3-day 2-night trip from Hue to Phu Quoc below:
- Transportation: Most travelers choose to fly from Hue to Phu Quoc to make their journey faster. Check out flight tickets to Phu Quoc to choose the most suitable one.
- Accommodation: It's recommended to stay at hotels in the center of Duong Dong town, Phu Quoc, for convenience in transportation and sightseeing. If you have a generous budget, you can indulge in a stay at Vinpearl Phu Quoc to experience the 5-star facilities.
- Sample Itinerary:
Day 1:
- In the morning, head to Grand World Phu Quoc. Here, you can enjoy various activities, shopping, or visit the Teddy Bear Museum and take Instagram-worthy photos with contemporary art pieces.
- In the afternoon, visit Namaste Coral Park. As you stroll along the paths under the coral reefs, you'll have the opportunity to admire a variety of colorful hard and soft corals.
- In the evening, take a leisurely walk or relax at your hotel.
Day 2:
- Start your day by visiting the famous tourist spot in Phu Quoc, Bai Dai Beach. This pristine location attracts many tourists both domestic and international. Here, you can enjoy the scenery, swim, and participate in various beach activities.
- In the afternoon, explore the eco-tourism area of Suoi Tranh. Here, you can enjoy the cool fresh water and marvel at the bat caves on the high mountain.
- In the evening, relax at your hotel.
Day 3:
- Visit Phu Quoc Prison - a historical monument that testifies to the indomitable spirit of the Vietnamese people. You'll learn about the history and hear stories from the guide.
- After the tour, head to Duong Dong Market to buy some Phu Quoc specialties as gifts for your loved ones, such as sim wine, pepper, fish sauce, dried sea cucumbers, etc.
>> Book the best-priced Phu Quoc tours now at Mytour!
Mytour hopes that through this article, you will gain accurate information about the distance from Hue to Phu Quoc. Contact Mytour now at hotline 1900 2083 for advice on booking cheap flights!
>> Explore more: A-Z Travel Guide to Phu Quoc for First-Time Visitors
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