NORMDIST function in Excel returns the normal distribution with specified standard deviation and mean. This function has wide applications in statistics, including hypothesis testing. The NORMDIST function introduced below applies to Office 2013, Office 2010, Office 2007, and Office 2003 versions.
NORMDIST function and examples
Illustrated examples of how to use NORMDIST function in Excel
Syntax: NORMDIST(x, mean, standard_dev, cumulative)
- x: is the value to compute the distribution. Mandatory parameter
- mean: Arithmetic mean value of the distribution. Mandatory parameter.
- standard_dev: Standard deviation of the distribution. Mandatory parameter.
- cumulative: Logical value determining the function type. Mandatory parameter.
+cumulative=true: Returns the result of the cumulative distribution function
+cumulative=false: Returns the result of the probability density function.
- If Mean and standard_dev are not numbers, the result will be #VALUE!
- If standard_dev <> , it returns an error #NUM.
Consider Example:
- In case Cumulative=true:
- In case Cumulative=false:
- Error scenario:
+ Mean and standard_dev are not numbers.
+Standard deviation<> has been calculated.
We have provided guidance on utilizing the NORMDIST function in Excel to compute normal distribution with standard deviation and mean. Additionally, there are numerous probability distribution functions in Excel for further exploration and application in your spreadsheets.