Obtaining an ATM or Visa card at HDBank, whether specific to this bank or generally, is a straightforward process. Once you meet all requirements and gather necessary documents, completing the procedure for opening an ATM or Visa card at HDBank is as simple as visiting any HDBank branch or transaction office. Here are the specifics:
Procedures for obtaining an ATM or Visa card at HDBank
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I. Procedures for opening an HDBank ATM
1. Requirements for opening an HDBank ATM
- Being a citizen above 18 years old. For foreigners, a valid visa and passport are required.
- Possessing a completed account opening application form provided by HDBank.
2. Procedures for opening an HDBank ATM
* Individuals
- Completed individual account opening form as per HDBank's issued template.
- Valid identification card/citizen identification card.
* Enterprises
Enterprises need to prepare the following documents to open an HDBank ATM card:
- Business registration certificate.
- Signatures, company seal.
- Decision appointing legal representative.
- Decision appointing chief accountant or accountant.
- Business account opening and usage registration form issued by HDBank with signatures and seals of the account owner. The account owner could be the general director, business owner, director, or head of the agency.
- Personal documents of the account owner.
- Personal documents of the chief accountant.
II. Procedures for opening HDBank Visa
HDBank Visa comprises 2 types: Visa Debit Card and Visa Credit Card. Each type of visa has different conditions and procedures for card opening:
1. Procedures for opening HDBank Visa Debit Card
* Requirements for obtaining HDBank Visa Debit Card
- Being a Vietnamese citizen over 18 years old.
- Having a personal account at HDBank.
* Procedures for opening HDBank Visa Debit Card
- Provide a photocopy and original of your identification card/citizen identification card.
- Fill out the Visa Debit Card application form provided by HDBank.
2. Procedures for opening HDBank Visa Credit Card
=>Steps to get an HDBank Visa
* Requirements for obtaining HDBank Visa Credit Card
- Being a Vietnamese citizen aged between 18 - 65.
- Possessing legal assets for security.
- Having a minimum income of 7 million VND/month.
- Holding a household registration book/temporary residence registration in the area where HDBank operates.
* Procedures for obtaining Visa Credit Card
- Provide a photocopy and original of your identification card/citizen identification card.
- Fill out the Visa application form provided by HDBank and sign the credit contract.
- Provide a photocopy of the household registration book/temporary residence registration.
- Submit documents proving assets for security.
- Submit documents proving income.
The process of obtaining an ATM or Visa card at HDBank is straightforward. You just need to manage your time, prepare all the required documents as per the bank's regulations, and visit HDBank during its working hours to apply for an ATM or Visa card. If you arrive early, you may have to wait, or if you arrive later than HDBank's working hours, you'll have to come back another time.
Above are the details about the procedures for opening ATM and Visa cards at HDBank. We hope you now understand the requirements and procedures to make the process of obtaining an HDBank ATM or Visa card more convenient and efficient.
=>Procedures for opening ATM and Visa at Maritime Bank
=>Procedures for opening ATM and Visa at DongA Bank