If you want to perform transactions at Viet Ban Bank such as money transfer, ATM card issuance... but don't know the working hours of Viet Ban Bank, Viet Capital Bank to arrange your time accordingly. To address this question for our readers, Mytour has updated the opening hours of Viet Ban Bank for your reference.
Viet Capital Bank's opening and closing hours from Monday to Friday are 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Operating Hours of Viet Capital Bank and Opening Hours of Viet Ban Bank
* Administrative working hours, main branch opening hours of Viet Capital Bank
Administrative working hours of Viet Ban Bank occur from Monday to Friday weekly, specifically:
- Morning: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Afternoon: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Branches and transaction offices of Viet Ban Bank usually pause transaction requests from customers before the daily break time for 15 - 30 minutes, so if you intend to transact at the bank, it's advisable to arrive at least 30 minutes before the break time. Additionally, remember to bring your ID card/identity card as all transactions at the bank require ensuring your information is securely protected.
* Non-business hours, after-hours transactions of Viet Capital Bank
Does Viet Capital Bank operate on Saturdays? Unlike other banks, Viet Capital Bank only operates until Friday, meaning on Saturday and Sunday, the bank will suspend transactions.
* Information on Viet Ban Bank's working hours
- Hotline: 1900.555.596
- Website: vietcapitalbank.com.vn
- At the branches, transaction offices of Viet Ban Bank.
For all customers of Viet Capital Bank, especially new customers, understanding the working hours of Viet Capital Bank is essential to avoid missing transactions and having to return to the bank without completing transactions.
There are many cases such as withdrawing money, checking account balances, transferring money where instead of going to the bank, you can use an ATM or conduct transactions from home if you have registered for Internet Banking.
Contact the Viet Ban Bank hotline, bank operators will help you answer any questions, the Viet Ban Bank hotline number is 1900.555.596.
SCB Bank or Siam Commercial Bank is also chosen by many users, the working hours of SCB Bank are of interest to many people and help facilitate transactions more conveniently.