Enjoy the crispy golden pho pastry with the rich and savory beef sauce; the pan-fried pho dish is sure to leave an unforgettable impression on Saigon's diners.
Saigon's Midday Delight: Pan-fried Pho
For Vietnamese, pho is a culinary gift ingrained in their culture. The fragrant morning pho bowls have become a familiar tradition. To captivate diners and ward off culinary boredom, Vietnamese chefs have crafted various exotic pho dishes, including the innovative pan-fried pho.
The success of this dish hinges on the quality of the pho pastry. Initially, chefs place fresh pho sheets in a pan with ample oil, shaping and evenly pan-frying them. Thin and medium-sized pho sheets make the pan-frying process more manageable, resulting in an appealing golden color.
Next, the chef will prepare the sauce for this exotic dish. The distinctive feature of pan-fried pho is its thick and rich sauce. Ingredients such as beef or seafood, tomatoes, sweet cabbage, and sawtooth herb are commonly used to create the fragrant pho sauce. Depending on the chef's preference, a sufficient amount of tapioca or cornstarch will be added to the broth and stirred until the sauce thickens as desired.
As the dish is brought out, diners can immediately sense the complex aroma. If lucky enough to encounter a skillful chef, the pho pastry will be perfectly crispy on the outside yet soft and steaming inside. The robust flavor of beef or seafood, the slight acidity of sautéed tomatoes, the fragrant sweetness of sweet cabbage and sawtooth herb, along with the crispy golden pho pastry immersed in the delicious sauce, will create an unforgettable pan-fried pho experience for every diner.
In Saigon, this dish is served in a small plate with a thick and flavorful sauce. Whether you visit Nguyen Du Street in District 1, Quach Van Tuan Street in Tan Binh District, or District 8's 12th Street, you will have an unforgettable meal with pan-fried pho. The price ranges from 35,000 to 75,000 VND.
Source: Vnexpress.net
Reference: Travel guide from Mytour
MytourNovember 24, 2015