Have you ever worried about lending your phone to someone, afraid they might accidentally delete important data or install unnecessary apps? Right now you won't have to worry about that anymore with a simple trick below.
1. Prevent others from installing or deleting apps on your iPhone
Have you ever worried about lending your phone to someone, afraid they might accidentally delete important data or install unnecessary apps? Right now you won't have to worry about that anymore with a simple trick below.
Step 1
Go to Settings > General > Restrictions
You'll be asked for a 4-character security code, enter the code you want
Step 3
After setting the code, a menu will appear. Scroll down and you'll see 2 sections: Installing Apps and Deleting Apps. By default, these options are enabled to allow users to install or delete apps. But now you want to prevent this, so deactivate these 2 options. Additionally, if you want to prevent any in-app purchases, deactivate the In-App Purchases option.
Wishing you success.