If your bank account or credit card expires, it's necessary to safely dispose of your old card. Before destroying it, contact your bank representative to verify its status. The contact number is typically located on the back of the card. Completely destroy the card to prevent fraud. Demagnetize the magnetic strip, destroy the chip, cut the card into pieces, and dispose of the fragments in separate bags.
Steps to Follow
Destructing the Card
Disabling the magnetic strip. To safely dispose of an old card, start by deactivating the magnetic strip containing your personal data, such as account number and card limit. Demagnetizing the strip renders the card unusable. Run a magnet along the strip slowly, ensuring prolonged contact. Any magnet will suffice, even a fridge magnet. Afterwards, cut along the strip with scissors.
Disable the chip. If your card has a chip and PIN feature, it's crucial to disable this chip as well. Located typically on the left side of your card, the chip stores the same personal data as the magnetic strip. Since cutting it with scissors can be challenging, use a hammer to break it into small pieces.
Cut it into pieces. After deactivating the magnetic strip and electronic chip, proceed to cut the remaining parts of the card. Be cautious to ensure effective cutting, making it difficult to reassemble. Begin by cutting the numbers, keeping no more than two on each piece. Then, cut the security code and signature into tiny fragments using a mix of bent, curved, and straight cuts.
Disposal Procedures for the Card
Dispose of the fragments separately. For safer disposal, discard the card pieces individually. While they don't need to be in separate bags, avoid placing them all in one. By dispersing them across multiple bags, it becomes significantly harder to retrieve all the pieces. Ensure any related documentation, like account statements or receipts, is not disposed of in the same bag as the card fragments.
Consider shredding documents. When closing an account, it's wise to shred related documentation containing personal information. Utilize a cross-shredder if available, as it provides thorough paper destruction. Remember to shred papers before recycling them, as recycling doesn't guarantee safety over regular trash disposal.
Dispose by incineration. If you seek absolute assurance of destruction for your card and related documents, consider incinerating them. Avoid burning the card itself due to potential release of harmful substances like hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, dioxins, furans, heavy metals, and particulates. Burning papers and bills ensures no one can read them.
Helpful Tips
- To ensure safety, contact your credit card company to report the card's disposal or request a freeze on it.
Necessary Items
- Credit cards
- Scissors
- A magnet
- Phone