PUBG Survival Mastery Feature to Receive Update Next Week


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the PUBG Survival Mastery feature?

PUBG Survival Mastery is a progression-based feature that tracks players' survival skills and gameplay improvements. It focuses on non-combat aspects, like surviving Bluezone stages, looting, and healing, allowing players to earn XP and level up based on their actions.

When is the PUBG Survival Mastery update scheduled?

The PUBG Survival Mastery update is scheduled for release on September 24th for the PC version. It will first be available on the test servers for players to explore before the official release date.

How is Survival Mastery different from Weapon Mastery in PUBG?

Survival Mastery focuses on tracking a player’s progression in survival skills, while Weapon Mastery measures combat proficiency. Together, they provide players with a comprehensive view of their performance in PUBG.

What customization options are available with PUBG ID in Survival Mastery?

Players can customize their PUBG ID in Survival Mastery by unlocking and adjusting rewards earned through gameplay. The PUBG ID showcases achievements, and developers plan to add more sharing and customization features in the future.