Every time you charge your phone, what do you do first?
Charging your phone is a daily routine for most of us. But have you ever wondered whether you should plug in the charger block first or the cable first? And after charging, do you unplug the wall adapter or the cable first? Let's explore the right way to charge your phone in this article.
To find the answer, let's first understand Surge - a sudden increase in electrical voltage or a power surge. This is a condition where the voltage exceeds the normal working voltage, creating a rapid and intense pulse for about one millionth of a second.
For instance, if your phone charger block has an output voltage of 5V/2A, when initially plugged in, instead of having a 5V output, it might spike to 6V or higher, leading to a potential surge, visible as sparks.
To illustrate, this phenomenon is similar to turning on a water faucet. Initially, the water spurts out forcefully before flowing steadily.
While power surges are rare, they can still cause issues for your phone such as interference, circuit damage, data loss, performance decline, shortened battery life, phone freezing, and restarts, screen flickering, and more.
With genuine chargers equipped with overload protection and surge prevention circuits, you won't have to worry about these issues. Feel free to plug in the charger block or the cable first with confidence.
However, with third-party chargers, those not included with the device, to avoid potential surges, users should plug in the charger block first, then connect the cable to the phone for charging. When fully charged, it's advisable to unplug the cable before disconnecting the charger from the power source.
(Reference: QTM)