Converting Word to PowerPoint is an underused but valuable feature. Utilize this function to quickly transform your Word content into PowerPoint. will guide you through the simplest method to convert Word to PowerPoint.
For example, if you have text like the one below and want to convert it to PowerPoint, first click on the File ribbon on the toolbar.
Next, click on Options in the File list that just appeared.
At that point, the Word Options function window will be activated. Open the Customize Ribbon section within this function window.
In this section, you can modify settings related to shortcut functions on the ribbon. We can create a shortcut function for quick Word to PowerPoint conversion on the ribbon.
As you see when switching to the Customize Ribbon tab, you will find two strips of function lists, with the right strip containing functions added to the Ribbon.
Let's add an item to the Home ribbon; click on Home in the Main Tabs list, then select New Group.
A new entry will be created in your Home ribbon. You can rename this entry by clicking on Rename and entering a new name under Display name. Finally, press OK to confirm.
Next, switch Choose commands from to All Commands to display all functions available in Word.
Scroll down the list to find Send to Microsoft PowerPoint. Since the list is alphabetically ordered, you only need to locate functions starting with the letter S to find Send to Microsoft PowerPoint.
Once you've selected the Send to Microsoft PowerPoint entry, click Add to add it to the function group you just created.
Finally, click OK to confirm the recent settings changes.
Now you can easily locate Send to Microsoft PowerPoint in your Home ribbon. Even in subsequent Word uses, you'll find it there without having to reinstall from scratch.
Currently, click on this function, and your text will instantly transform into a PowerPoint presentation.
This is the outcome you'll achieve.
However, converting from Word to PowerPoint can only produce simple text conversions, and the resulting slides may lack the aesthetic appeal needed for a presentation. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, users are advised to create slides directly in PowerPoint rather than converting from Word to PowerPoint.
Thank you for reading the article by on How to Convert Word to PowerPoint. We hope you can successfully implement this technique.