The situation of not receiving or losing the exam admission ticket for university and college entrance exams is something many candidates encounter. There are various reasons for this, one of which is misplacing the notification letter, either receiving it but losing it or sending it to the wrong address.
Refer to the details: National High School Graduation Exam Schedule 2016
After delving into the admission regulations and receiving reliable information from the Ministry of Education and Training and the Examination Department, Mytour has identified this issue from our readers and would like to provide a specific answer as follows:
According to the 2016 admission regulations, the deadline was June 15th. All universities with candidates submitting applications and organizing local exam clusters were required to complete the process of printing and sending exam admission tickets to all candidates.
Normally, exam admission tickets will be sent via postal service, but many high schools will assist in notifying each candidate to come to the school to collect the exam admission tickets.
University and college entrance exam admission tickets will consolidate various information related to candidates such as exam clusters, exam rooms, and candidate numbers. Especially, candidates must bring this ticket along with their identification documents when registering for the exam on June 30th. Importantly, the exam admission ticket will serve as a replacement for each candidate's 'exam card.'
Before this time, if there are any errors on the exam admission ticket, candidates should promptly return it to the examination board to receive a more accurate replacement.
Thus, the exam admission ticket holds significant importance in confirming whether a student is participating in the university or college entrance exam.
So, does losing or not receiving the exam admission ticket mean you cannot take the exam?
No. Candidates are not deprived of their rightful examination rights.
At this point, candidates should calmly contact the university where they registered for admission to request a replacement exam admission ticket if there is still time. In cases nearing the exam date, candidates can proactively contact the university's admissions office to obtain exam information as well as confirmation documents (if available).
Losing or not having the exam admission ticket is no longer a concern in the 2016 exam
This is because the Ministry of Education and Training has officially opened an online exam admission notification lookup portal for candidates to directly search on the internet. With this method, candidates can feel more at ease because they can easily check their registration information, thereby avoiding concerns about losing or not receiving the admission ticket, which may affect their examination rights.
Important Note:
To obtain the exam card without the admission ticket, you need to make an effort to go to the exam venues, examination boards on the exam registration day (June 30) while bringing the second exam admission ticket, identification documents for information verification.
It is highly important to note that not attending the exam registration procedures on June 30 is not really worrisome, but it will affect obtaining the exam card as well as updating personal information, scores. Therefore, you should make every effort to be present at the exam venue on this day, avoiding regrettable situations that may occur.
Mytour hopes that the above answer will address concerns and doubts for many readers, especially for candidates preparing for the 2016 university and college entrance exams.
For those candidates who are still in the process of preparing for the upcoming exam days, you can challenge yourself with various free trial exam papers that we provide to build more confidence before the exam.
During and after the exam period, we will continuously update information about university admissions such as score lookup, exam rooms on the Mytour website.
There is now a list of computers allowed to be brought into the 2016 National High School Exam rooms. To avoid unfortunate mistakes when bringing the wrong computer not on the list, students should carefully refer to and prepare their tools most diligently before the exam.