Ryo Mizuno. The story unfolds in a continent ruled by chaos. The lords of this continent have the ability to bring calm to the disorder, yet they exploit their power to instigate wars in various regions.
Record of Grancrest War - Anime Novel Transforms into Captivating Mobile Game
Recently, game developer Bandai Namco held a presentation for their latest creation, Record of Grancrest War, on YouTube. The game is set to be released on both mobile and PS4 platforms. Currently, Record of Grancrest War has opened pre-registration for gamers with a target of 70,000 registrations.
Record of Grancrest War Available on Both Mobile and PS4
Record of Grancrest War is an RPG game with a team-based combat approach. Players will maximize the strength of their teams in battle. In the PS4 version, the gameplay of Record of Grancrest War will differ slightly, requiring players to use the entire team to battle through each map. The PS4 version is set to launch in mid-June.
Gamers can now register for Record of Grancrest War
At present, Bandai Namco has not made any announcement regarding the launch of the mobile version. However, gamers can already register for the game. If you have a penchant for survival games, consider exploring the popular Fortnite Mobile game, which has made its mark on mobile devices, including the iPhone. Fortnite Mobile is the mobile iteration of the previously acclaimed Fortnite game.