These are the gears countering the Giant meta that gamers heavily rely on.
In recent days, one of the most favored metas by gamers in TFT season 6 is Giants, with Galio - Sion leading the pack. This is seen as an 'invincible' combo and frustrates many gamers as they can quickly 'turn victory into defeat'.
But surely, there are ways to counter the Giants meta, and the rise of this lineup also boosts the win rates of 3 items typically used to counter the Galio - Sion combo in the win rate rankings after patch 11.24b.

In seasons 5 and 5.5, Morellonomicon was one of the hot items in the market, especially after the emergence of champions with multi-target magic damage like Kennen, but in season 6, this item is less frequently used. However, Morellonomicon still proves its strength. Especially, after the rise of the Giant lineup, people need items that increase anti-healing ability. Then, Morellonomicon returns in a tremendously grand manner.
The most effective champions utilizing this item to counter Giants are none other than Spell Assassins, such as Ekko or Akali. In the Chemistry - Inventor - Scrap team composition, Ekko with multi-target magic damage is the perfect candidate to use this item and take down the opponent's backline early to fully support the annoying Giant duo Galio - Sion. Morello's Evil Tome has a win rate of 16.6% with a usage rate of up to 49.9%.

Blue Bow
This item can be considered as the ultimate counter to sturdy, 'beefy' team compositions. Its function is to reduce the target's armor by 70% for 5 seconds, with the effect not stacking. Therefore, Blue Bow pairs best with Infinity Edge and Guardian Angel, forming a devastating equipment combo that can 'clean up' any tough team composition with ease.
The current win rate of Blue Bow is up to 14.6%, and the usage rate is 36% (approximately 274762). Because the components of Blue Bow are not really easy to obtain, but its usefulness is quite apparent. Especially when the Giant lineup is favored, the win rate of Blue Bow gradually increases over time, which is not surprising.

Giant Slayer
The name says it all: when Giants reign, then Giant Slayer will also be elevated in rank thanks to its strong ability to counter those units with 'huge' health pools. In a TFT season with an abundance of units possessing unimaginable amounts of health, Giant Slayer is the game-changing item.
However, Giant Slayer is composed of 2 contested components, namely B.F. Sword and Recurve Bow, so the appearance rate of this item is only about 33.4%, with a win rate of 14.8%.