Improper application of paint on wooden surfaces can result in peeling and chipping over time. This is particularly common for frequently used wooden items exposed to direct sunlight, or those lacking proper initial preparation and painting. By adequately preparing and sealing the wood, the painted items can maintain their quality for years to come.
Essential Steps
Preparing the Wood before Painting
Ensure the wood is thoroughly cleaned with a damp cloth before applying paint, primer, and sealant. Removing any dirt or particles ensures proper absorption of these materials into the wood. Consider using a tack cloth to remove any remaining debris, readily available at home improvement stores.
Coat the raw wood with sealant twice.
Apply primer to enhance paint adhesion on the wood surface.
Allow the wood to thoroughly dry before painting.
Preserve the Paint with a Transparent Sealant
Select either wax-based or polycrylic sealant for protection.
Use a sponge, cloth, or paintbrush to evenly apply the sealant.
Apply a second layer of sealant for enhanced protection.
Allow the sealant to fully cure for 2-3 weeks.
Valuable Tips
Always apply sealant, paint, and primer following the direction of the wood grain.
Necessary Tools
Items Required: