Embrace the distinctive Dark Mode interface that protects your eyes during evening computer sessions and conserves battery life for devices with AMOLED screens. Activate this feature on Windows 10 to schedule automatic transitions to Dark Mode and experience its impactful benefits.
Configure the settings to schedule the automatic activation/deactivation of Dark Mode on Windows 10.
With Windows 10, users can accomplish a plethora of tasks according to their preferences. You can schedule Windows 10 to power off, organize photos in your computer effortlessly, and especially for those who adore the Dark Mode feature. Users will find it easy to set up Dark Mode to kick in as the dusk sets and turn it off as dawn breaks.
Follow this guide on scheduling Windows 10 to switch to the sleek Dark Mode.
1. Scheduling Dark Mode activation on Windows 10
Step 1: Left-click on the search bar in Windows (the Type here to search section) -> then enter Task Scheduler -> select the corresponding result to run it.
Step 2: The Task Scheduler interface appears as shown below -> left-click on Create Basic Task... to commence creating.
Step 3: Name this schedule (Name) and optionally add a description (Description) -> then click Next.
Step 4: Next, navigate to the Trigger section - set the time to activate Dark Mode on Windows 10 (could be daily, weekly, monthly, or based on specific events) as follows:
- Daily: Choose based on the day.
- Weekly: Choose based on the week.
- Monthly: Choose based on the month.
- One time
- When the computer starts: Choose when the computer boots.
- When I log on: Choose when the user logs in.
- When a specific event is logged: Choose when a specific event is recorded.
Interface when selecting the time frame to activate Dark Mode on Windows 10
Step 5: After choosing the time frame -> press Next -> proceed to pick specific times by selecting the desired days and hours for the computer to run automatically. Then, press Next to continue.
In the illustration below, we opted for Daily (based on the day) -> then proceeded to select specific days and hours to trigger Dark Mode.
Step 6: Under Action, opt for Start a program to initiate scheduling this time on Windows 10.
Step 7: Still on the Create Basic Task Wizard interface, in the Start a program section, proceed as follows:
- In the Program/Script field: Enter Reg or Reg.exe.
- In Add arguments (optional): Input the following command:
add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize /v AppsUseLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Once entered, click Next to proceed.
Interface for entering the command to schedule Dark Mode activation on Win 10
Step 8: After clicking Next, check the box at Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish -> then click on Finish to complete.
The Task Scheduler you just created will be displayed in detail as shown below. You can configure additional settings to make the operation smoother.
For example, you can switch to the Conditions tab.
Then, check the option Start the task only if the computer is on AC power to ensure the feature can function properly when the computer is using battery power.
Alternatively, you can switch to the Settings tab -> check Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed to run Windows Dark Mode even when your computer is in Sleep mode or completely turned off.
To activate the schedule you just created, in the Task Scheduler interface -> locate the name of the created schedule -> right-click on it and choose Run to execute.
Another way to run it is by left-clicking on the schedule name -> then click on the Play icon (blue triangle) in the Action window beside.
Important Note 1
- If you are using the Windows 10 Build 18282 operating system, in addition to the steps mentioned above, you need to perform an additional Task Scheduler for the Taskbar, Start Menu, and Action Center.
- To do this, follow the steps as mentioned earlier, but at step 7, in the Add arguments (optional) section, you will change the input command as follows:
add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize /v SystemUsesLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
2. How to Disable Scheduled Dark Mode Activation in Windows 10
Disabling or canceling the scheduled Dark mode activation on your computer is essentially setting a schedule for Windows 10 to automatically switch to the light mode (if you have the default set to dark mode). Therefore, the execution method is straightforward.
To do this, follow the steps as instructed above. However, in the Add arguments (optional) section, enter the command as follows to disable the scheduled Dark mode activation on Win 10:
add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize /v AppsUseLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Important Note 2
For Windows 10 Build 18282, similarly to the above, you will need to add an additional step, which is Task Scheduler with the command in Add arguments (optional) as follows:
add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize /v SystemUsesLightTheme /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Another way to disable the scheduled Dark mode activation
With this method, find and right-click on the scheduled Task -> then choose Disable to cancel the Task, or select Delete to remove the Task completely.
So now you know how to schedule Windows 10 to automatically switch to Dark mode! The steps are not too difficult, are they? This is a handy trick, especially for those working on a Windows 10 computer, particularly those who often sit in front of the computer at night.
Wishing you successful execution!