* Five Elements: Nurturing Relationships (Supportive Relationships, Mutual Growth)
- Earth nurtures Metal
- Metal nurtures Water
- Water nurtures Wood
- Wood nurtures Fire
- Fire nurtures Earth
* Five Elements: Controlling Relationships (Restrictive Relationships)
- Metal controls Wood
- Fire controls Metal
- Water controls Fire
- Earth controls Water
- Wood controls Earth
3. Colors Associated with Elemental Destiny
- Metal Destiny: Core colors are white, yellow, and metallic shades.
- Water Destiny: Core colors are sea blue and black.
- Wood Destiny: Core color is green.
- Fire Destiny: Core colors are purple, orange, red, and pink.
- Earth Destiny: Core colors are earthy yellow, brown, and terra cotta orange.
II. Choosing Colors and License Plates According to Age and Destiny
Depending on age and destiny, there are different approaches to selecting colors and license plates:
1. Choosing Colors and License Plates for Fire Destiny Individuals
What colors are suitable for Fire Destiny individuals when buying a car?
As mentioned above, Fire Destiny has core colors such as red, pink, and orange, so Fire Destiny individuals should choose a car in these colors or green because green belongs to Wood Destiny which generates Fire. Absolutely avoid choosing a car in black or sea blue as these are colors of Water Destiny which controls Fire.
Fire Destiny individuals born in the following years: Ren Yin 1934 and 1994, Yi Hai 1935, Mao Yin 1948, Ji Si 1949, Bing Shen 1956, Ding You 1957, Ren Chen 1964, Yi Yi 1965, Mao Wu 1978, Ji Wei 1979, Bing Chen 1986, Ding Mao 1987, Yi Hai 1995.
License plates suitable for Ren Yin individuals, Earth Destiny, include the numbers 3 and 4.
2. Choosing Colors and License Plates for Earth Destiny Individuals
What colors are suitable for Earth Destiny individuals when buying a car?
Earth Destiny individuals should choose cars in brown, earthy yellow, and terra cotta orange (core colors) or they can opt for purple, orange, red, and pink as these are core colors of Fire Destiny which nurtures Earth. Absolutely avoid cars in green, sea blue, or black.
Years of birth for Earth Destiny individuals: Mao Dan 1938, Ji Mao 1939, Bing Tuat 1946, Ding Hai 1947, Canh Ty 1960, Tan Suu 1961, Mao Than 1968, Ji Dau 1969, Bing Thin 1976, Ding Ty 1977, Canh Ngo 1990, Tan Mui 1991, Mao Dan 1998, Ji Mao 1999.
License plates suitable for Earth Destiny individuals are numbers 5 and 6.
3. Choosing Colors and License Plates for Metal Destiny Individuals
What colors are suitable for Metal Destiny individuals when buying a car?
Individuals with Metal Destiny should opt for cars in yellow, silver, or gold tones, or they can choose earthy yellow, brown, or terra cotta orange (associated with Earth Destiny which generates Metal). Stay away from cars in red, pink, or orange (associated with Fire Destiny) or green (associated with Earth Destiny).
Years of birth for Metal Destiny individuals: Nham Than 1932, Quy Dau 1933, Canh Thin 1940, Tan Ty 1941, Giap Ngo 1954, At Mui 1955, Nham Dan 1962, Quy Mao 1963, Canh Tuat 1970, Tan Hoi 1971, Giap Ty 1984, At Suu 1985, Nham Than 1992, Quy Dau 1993.
License plates suitable for Ren Yin individuals specifically and for individuals with Metal Destiny include numbers 7 and 8.
=> Reference: Which colors are most suitable for Metal Destiny?
4. Choosing Colors and License Plates for Individuals with Water Destiny
What colors are suitable for individuals with Water Destiny when buying a car?
Individuals with Water Destiny should choose a car in white, black, or sea blue (core colors) or they can opt for light yellow (associated with Metal Destiny which generates Water). Avoid choosing brown or terra cotta orange (associated with Earth Destiny which controls Water).
Years of birth for individuals with Water Destiny: Bing Ty 1936, Dinh Suu 1937, Giap Than 1944, At Dau 1945, Nham Thin 1952, Quy Ty 1953, Bing Ngo 1966, Dinh Mui 1967, Giap Dan 1974, At Mao 1975, Bing Ty 1996, Dinh Suu 1997.
License plates suitable for Ren Ty individuals specifically and for individuals with Water Destiny in general include numbers 0 and 9.
5. Choosing Colors and License Plates for Wood Destiny Individuals
What colors are suitable for Wood Destiny individuals when buying a car?
Individuals with Wood Destiny should choose cars in green (core color) or they can choose sea blue, black. Avoid yellow, silver, metallic shades.
Years of birth for individuals with Wood Destiny: Nham Ngo 1942, Quy Mui 1943, Canh Dan 1950, Tan Mao 1951, Mau Tuat 1958, Ky Hoi 1959, Nham Ty 1972, Quy Suu 1973, Canh Than 1980, Tan Dau 1981, Mau Thin 1988, Ky Ty 1989, Nham Ngo 2002, Quy Mui 2003.
License plates suitable for individuals born in the year Tan Dau specifically and for individuals with Wood Destiny in general are numbers 1 and 2.
With the information shared above, you now know your Destiny, your age, and what color car and license plate you should choose. Consider choosing colors and license plates that match your age and Destiny to help improve your life. Additionally, you can visit the online car license plate auction link to find and buy a license plate that suits your Destiny.