In addition to traditional phone locking methods like PINs or patterns, Android phones offer advanced features and supporting apps for enhanced protection. Notable options include facial recognition, fingerprint unlocking, and the ability to set passwords based on the current hour. Users appreciate the high-level security provided by setting passwords hourly.
Setting Hourly Passwords for Android Phone Lock
Step 1: Using the current web browser on your phone, visit the following website to download the app that supports setting hourly passwords for Android phone lock:
Get it now: Screen Lock Time Password for Android
Next, tap on the arrow icon on the main web interface -> Tap Settings to initiate the download -> Choose Open when the download and installation process is complete.
Step 2: Upon the first access to the Screen Lock app, you'll need to grant permissions for the app to utilize functions on the device. There will be 3 notifications, select Allow to consent.
Step 3: On the main interface of the Screen Lock app, activate the Unlock feature by dragging the circle to the right. A notification will then appear, choose Allow.
Scroll down to find the Screen Lock app (or the Vietnamese name is Màn hình khóa - Mật khẩu thời gian_) -> Activate the function to allow drawing on other apps by sliding the circle to the right.
Step 4: Return to the main interface of the Screen Lock app, select the Unlock feature once again ->Set up the recovery code -> Choose Save.
Step 5: Next, you choose the line: Change security type. There will be 6 options available for you to set a password to lock your Android phone by hour, including:
+ Current time: No need to set a Pin code
+ Pin + Current time: Set Pin code + current time
+ Pin + Hour: Set Pin code + current hour
+ Pin + Minute: Set Pin code + current minute
+ Pin only: Set only a Pin code
+ Pin + day: Set Pin code + day
For example, if you choose the option: Pin + Current time. The Pin code you set is 00, the current time at unlocking is 09:28, then you enter the password to unlock as 000928. This password will not be fixed and will change every minute, every hour.
In case you cannot access the device due to incorrect password, you can choose Forgot password ->Enter recovery code that you set up in step 4.
If you want to change the old recovery code, on the main interface of the app, scroll down and select Change recovery password.
So, the article above on has guided you on how to set a timed password to lock your Android phone. Additionally, you can refer to other methods like Create Android phone password that changes every hour for more options. Wish you success in following these steps.