By setting up Gmail with Mail apps on Mac OS X, distinguishing between IMAP and POP, you can view incoming emails in Gmail using the integrated Mail apps on Mac OS X.
Configuring Gmail with Mail Apps on Mac OS X
To set up your Gmail account with Mail apps on Mac OS X, follow these steps:
Step 1: Select Mail / Add Account from the Mail menu on Mac OS X.
Step 2: In the Choose a Mail account provider section, choose Google.
Step 3: Click Continue.
Step 4: Enter your email address in the Enter your email field.
Step 5: Click Next.
Step 6: Enter your email password in the Password field.
Step 7: Click Next.
Step 8: If you have enabled Gmail's two-step verification, follow these steps:
- Enter the verification code sent to your phone via SMS or voice call in the Enter the 6 digit code field.
- Click Next.
Step 9: In the Select the apps to use with this account section, ensure you have selected Mail.
Step 10: Additional options:
- Check Contacts to add Gmail contacts to your Contacts list.
- Check Calendar to add Google Calendar to your Calendar.
Step 11: Choose Done.
Setting up Gmail with Mail 7 on Mac OS X via IMAP
Follow the steps below to set up Gmail with Mail apps on Mac OS X via IMAP:
Step 1: Ensure IMAP is enabled in Gmail.
Step 2: Select Mail / Preferences… from the Mail menu on Mac OS X.
Step 3: Access the Accounts tab.
Step 5: In the Choose a mail account to add section, select Google.
Step 6: Click Continue.
Step 7: Enter your full name in the Name field.
Step 8: Enter your Gmail address in the Email Address field.
Step 9: Enter your Gmail password in the Password field.
Step 10: Click Set up.
Step 11: In the Select the apps to use with '[Gmail email address]' section, select Mail.
Step 12: Additional options:
- Check Contacts to add Gmail contacts to your Contacts list.
- Check Calendar to add 'Google Calendar' to your Calendar.
- Check Messages to add your Google Talk account available in Messages.
- Check Note to sync special notes in Gmail with Note.
Step 13: Click Done.
Step 14: Finally, close the Accounts window.
Setting up Gmail with Mail on Mac OS X via POP
Follow the steps below to set up Gmail with Mail apps on Mac OS X via POP, to download and view emails from Gmail using Mail on Mac OS X:
Step 1: Make sure you have enabled POP in the Gmail account you want to set up with Mail on Mac OS X.
Step 2: Select Mail / Add account ... from the Mail menu on Mac OS X.
Step 3: In the Choose a Mail account provider … section, select Other Mail Account….
Step 4: Click Continue.
Step 5: Enter your name in the Name. field.
Step 6: Enter your Gmail address in the Email Address. field.
Step 7: Enter an incorrect password in the Password. field.
Step 8: Click Sign in.
Step 9: In the Account Type section, select POP.
Step 10: Enter '' in the Incoming Mail Server field.
Step 11: Re-enter the correct Gmail password in the Password. field.
Step 12: Click Sign in once again.
Setting up Gmail with Mail 7 on Mac OS X via POP
Step 1: Ensure that POP is activated in Gmail.
Step 2: Select Mail / Preferences… from the Mail menu on Mac OS X.
Step 3: Access the Accounts tab.
Step 4: Click the + icon below the list of accounts.
Step 5: In the Add Other Mail Account… section, choose Choose a mail account to add….
Step 6: Click Continue.
Step 7: Enter your full name in the Full Name field.
Step 8: Enter your Gmail address in the Email Address field.
Step 9: Enter your Gmail password in the Password field.
Step 10: Click Next.
While holding down the Alt key, the Create button will change to Next.
Step 11: Under Account Type, select POP.
Step 12: Enter '' in the Mail Server field.
Step 13: Enter your Gmail address in the User Name field.
Step 14: Enter your Gmail password in the Password field.
Step 15: Click Next.
Step 16: Enter '' in the SMTP Server field.
Step 17: Enter your Gmail address in the User Name field.
Step 18: Enter your Gmail password in the Password field.
Step 19: Click Create.
Step 20: Finally, close the Accounts window.
Above is how to set up Gmail with Mail apps on Mac OS X. With this method, you can download and view incoming emails on Gmail using any Mail app on Mac. Wishing you success!