Besides encrypting Telegram messages to secure exchanged information and data, you should also set up a Telegram password and enable auto-lock time to ensure no one can access and use your account.
Guide to Setting up Telegram Password for PC, Android, and iOS
I. How to Set App Lock on Telegram on Your Phone
- 1. Quick Guide
- Step 1: Open Telegram, go to Settings => select Privacy and Security.
Step 2: Tap Passcode Lock => select Enable Passcode => enter password.
2. Detailed Instructions
Step 1: Download or update Telegram to the latest version via the following links:
- iOS version download link: Telegram for iPhone
- Android version download link: Telegram for Android
Step 2: Open Telegram, create a new account or log in to your existing one.
- Reference: How to Create a Telegram Account
Step 3: Press Continue to grant access => Select the three horizontal bars icon on the left side of the screen.
Step 4: Go to Settings => Select Privacy and Security .
Step 5: Tap Passcode Lock => Press Enable Passcode .
Step 6: Enter password => Input Confirm Password.
Step 7: Customize related attributes.
- Change Passcode: Modify current password
- Unlock with Fingerprint: Unlock app with fingerprint.
- Turn Passcode off: Disable app lock with password.
II. How to Set Up Telegram Password on PC
- 1. Quick Guide
- Step 1: Open Telegram, go to Settings => select Privacy and Security.
Step 2: Press Local passcode => enter password, confirm password => press Save Passcode.
2. Detailed Instructions
Step 1: Download and install Telegram PC latest version from the link below.
- Download Telegram for PC here.
Step 2: Open Telegram and log in to your account.
- Tap Start Messaging => Log in with QR code or log in with phone number.
=> Example: Mytour logs into Telegram with a phone number.
- Select country, enter phone number => Press Next.
- Enter the code sent to you => Press Next.
Step 3: Select the three horizontal bars icon.
Step 4: Go to Settings.
Step 5: Tap Privacy and Security .
Step 6: Select Local Passcode.
Step 7: Input password => Confirm password => Press Save Passcode.
Step 8: Detail settings for Local Passcode
- Change passcode: Modify lock code.
- Auto-Lock if away for: Set automatic Telegram lock time.
After successfully setting up Telegram passwords on both your phone and PC, you no longer need to worry about data security issues, ensuring the safety of your account. Additionally, you should also install the Vietnamese language pack for Telegram to optimize usage and gain better understanding of this app's features.