When you need to exchange phone numbers with someone on Viber, switching to your contacts, viewing and typing in the number can be time-consuming. Instead, users only need to share phone numbers and locations on Viber to accomplish this task. Note that the sharing phone numbers and locations on Viber feature requires allowing Viber to access your phone's location as well as accessing your contacts and syncing them.
How to Share Phone Numbers and Locations on Viber:
Updating to the Latest Version of Viber on Your Device
- Download Viber for Android
- Download Viber for iPhone
1. How to Share Locations on Viber.
Step 1: Download and install the latest version of the Viber app. Open the Viber app on your phone.
Step 2: Select the user you want to message on Viber. Then tap on the ellipsis icon (...)
Step 3: Choose Share Location.
Step 4: If Location is not enabled on your phone, you need to tap Settings. Access Settings on your phone and select Location.
Step 5: Tap Always. Instantly, your Viber location will be updated. Simply tap Send to share your location on Viber with friends.
They will quickly know where you are.
2. How to Share Phone Numbers on Viber.
Similar to sharing locations on Viber, users wanting to share phone numbers on Viber follow the first 2 steps.
Then at the ellipsis icon (...), select Share Contact. In the contacts section, immediately choose the user you want to share the phone number with on Viber.
Clicking on that user immediately shares the phone number on Viber.
Above are 2 very useful ways to share phone numbers and locations on Viber. Users should share phone numbers when exchanging contacts. Or share locations on Viber to make it easier for friends to find each other.
In addition, there are other advanced tricks on Viber such as encrypting Viber messages, secret chats, remote logout on Viber. These actions are customized in the Privacy section of Viber Settings. Details on how to encrypt Viber messages, secret chats, remote logout on Viber are covered in our article. If you need to secure Viber, protecting your Viber account, encrypting messages, secret chats, remote logout on Viber are necessary.