* Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 8 * Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 9 * Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 10 * Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 11 * Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 12 * Solution to IQ River Crossing Game Question 13
Difficulty increases as seen in most contemporary games, with challenges escalating gradually, intriguing players to explore further. Here's the solution to question 7 of the IQ River Crossing Game for those who haven't cracked it yet.
Step 1: Move police + thief across --> Police return.
Step 3: The blonde women and their offspring transitioned --> The blonde women return.
Step 4: Both the blonde and red-haired women moved together --> The red-haired women return.
Step 5: The police officers and the thief exchanged positions --> The blonde women return.
Step 6: The blonde and red-haired women swapped roles --> The red-haired women return.
Step 7: The red-haired women and their offspring traded places --> The police officers and the thief return.
Step 8: Move the police officer + the redhead woman's little boy to the other side --> Police officer returns
Step 9: Transfer the police officer and the robber and complete question 7
So with 8 people on this side of the river, we're quite tangled up in getting people across the river correctly according to the requirements of the problem. Pay a little attention to gain experience for the next step in question 8 and refer to the answer to the river crossing game question 8 if you encounter difficulties and many other river crossing answers await you.