1. Steps for F0 to undergo home treatment and receive support funds from Social Insurance
According to Article 26 of the Social Insurance Law 2014, the sick leave entitlement period for employees in a year is as follows:
If working under normal conditions: 30 days if having contributed to Social Insurance for less than 15 years; 40 days if having contributed to Social Insurance from 15 to less than 30 years; 60 days if having contributed to Social Insurance for 30 years or more.
If performing heavy, toxic, hazardous, or particularly heavy, toxic, hazardous work: 40 days if having contributed to Social Insurance for less than 15 years; 50 days if having contributed from 15 to less than 30 years; 70 days if having contributed for 30 years or more.
During the leave, employees will receive 75% of the social insurance salary contribution of the preceding month of leave (Clause 1, Article 28 of the Social Insurance Law 2014).
As stated in Document 238/BYT-KCB, F0 should prepare the original or a copy of the hospital discharge paper (if treated as an inpatient) or Certificate of Sick Leave for Social Insurance (if treated as an outpatient) and then submit it to the employer for benefit processing.
Specifically, to be eligible for sick leave benefits, the employee, F0, needs to follow these procedures:
Step 1: Request a Certificate of Sick Leave for Social Insurance.
After completing quarantine or receiving home treatment, the employee, F0, needs to contact the healthcare center, caring station, management unit to request a Certificate of Sick Leave for Social Insurance. If issued incorrectly, the employee can request the healthcare facility to reissue.
Step 2: Submit the sick leave benefit application to the enterprise.
Based on Decision 222/QD-BHXH 2021, employees must submit the original Certificate of Sick Leave for Social Insurance to the enterprise. Deadline: Within 45 days from the return to work. If late submission causes the enterprise to delay submitting to the Social Insurance agency, the reason must be explained in writing.
The amount received during recuperation leave is 30% of the base salary, which is 447,000 dong per day, totaling 2.235 million dong.
As per Labor Newspaper