Strategies for Bear Safety


Frequently Asked Questions


What precautions should I take to avoid bear encounters while camping?

To minimize bear encounters while camping, set up your cooking area at least 100 yards away from your sleeping area. Keep food stored in bear-proof containers and avoid leaving any food scraps or odors around your campsite.

How can I secure my trash to prevent attracting bears?

You can secure your trash by using bear-resistant containers that have lockable lids. Additionally, store garbage in a locked shed and double bag it to contain odors. Regularly clean your trash cans to minimize any lingering scents.

What should I do if I encounter a bear during my hike?

If you encounter a bear while hiking, remain calm and do not run. Instead, back away slowly while maintaining visual contact. If the bear charges, stand your ground, wave your arms, and make loud noises to discourage it.

Is it safe to leave pet food outside when bears are around?

No, it is not safe to leave pet food outdoors, especially at night. Bears are attracted to any food source, including outdoor pet food. Store it in airtight, scent-proof containers and bring it inside at night.

How can I deter bears from raiding my bird feeders?

To deter bears from raiding bird feeders, hang them at least 10 feet high and away from nearby trees. Additionally, consider removing bird feeders during summer months and clean up any fallen seeds beneath them to avoid attracting bears.