Super Meat Boy is a game produced by Edmund McMillen in collaboration with Team Meat. It is a successor to McMillen and Jonathan McEntee's 2008 flash game. Super Meat Boy was released on Xbox 360 through Xbox Live Arcade in 10/2010, and on Windows in 11/2010. In 2010, the game won the
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In the game, players control the character Meat Boy, a red, block-shaped character, as he tries to rescue his girlfriend, Bandage Girl, from the antagonist, Dr. Fetus. The game's key features include precise control and time management. Along the way to save his girlfriend, Meat Boy encounters numerous obstacles that can result in death. With skillful movement, he can successfully rescue her.
Additionally, players can compete against each other in a race to reach the finish line and save their loved one. Whoever arrives first naturally wins the heart of the girl. The game challenges players to the point of frustration if they keep falling or dying repeatedly. It's akin to the challenge presented in the game Flappy Bird.
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Regarding graphics, Super Meat Boy is not highly rated as the game is built on a standard 2D platform. It seems that for puzzle-like challenge games like this, gameplay is more important than graphics.
Super Meat Boy unexpectedly garnered resounding success and quickly became a hit game shortly after its release. Besides the awards it has received, Super Meat Boy is also remembered as the ultimate brain-teaser for players.