Surrendering Early in Valorant


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the early surrender feature in Valorant and how does it work?

The early surrender feature in Valorant allows players to end a match quickly if they feel it is unwinnable. To initiate, players must complete at least 8 rounds and all team members must vote in favor for it to take effect.

What steps do I need to follow to vote for an early surrender in Valorant?

To vote for an early surrender in Valorant, first open the chat window by pressing Enter. Then type /ff, /forfeit, concede, or surrender to initiate the vote. All team members must agree for the surrender to proceed.

Is it possible to initiate an early surrender in Valorant at any time during the match?

No, an early surrender can only be initiated after at least 8 rounds have been completed. If even one team member votes against it, the surrender cannot proceed, and the match continues until one team wins 13 rounds.

How does the early surrender feature benefit players in Valorant?

The early surrender feature benefits players by allowing them to save time during matches that seem unwinnable. Instead of playing until one team wins 13 rounds, players can exit early if everyone agrees, allowing for more efficient gameplay.

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