The tax office in Dong Da District operates under the Hanoi Tax Department, with responsibilities including tax collection, management, addressing inquiries, and resolving tax-related difficulties for taxpayers in the district.
Details of phone number, working hours, and address of the tax office in Dong Da District
I. Address of Dong Da District Tax Office
Organizations, businesses, and individuals needing assistance with inquiries, tax declaration, and submission of tax documents can directly visit the Dong Da District Tax Office at 185 Dang Tien Dong Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi for assistance.
- Office Address: 185 Dang Tien Dong Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi
II. Working hours of Dong Da District Tax Office
Working hours are from Monday to Friday, mornings from 8am to 12pm, afternoons from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. Public holidays and Tet are observed as per government regulations.
III. Contact Information for Đống Đa District Tax Office
- 02438511640
- Directions: The Đống Đa District Tax Office is located near prominent landmarks in Đống Đa District such as Hoàng Cầu Lake, Trung Liệt Ward People's Committee, Thái Hà Market, Quang Trung Elementary School,... If you're still unsure about the directions, you can ask locals around these landmarks for directions to 185 Đặng Tiến Đông for assistance.
You can choose your preferred mode of transportation to get to the Đống Đa District Tax Office based on your preferences (motorbike, car, or bus). On rainy days, you can opt for a Hanoi taxi for quick and cost-effective travel.
Location of the Đống Đa District Tax Office on Google Maps
IV. Tax Identification Number for Đống Đa District Tax Office
- 0100786940-001
- Currently, the director of the Đống Đa District Tax Office is Mr. Lê Quang Hùng. In addition to their professional duties, Mr. Hùng and the tax officials in Đống Đa District directly assist in resolving inquiries and difficulties of taxpayers at the tax office during office hours.
If you need to visit the Đống Đa District Tax Office but are unsure about the required documents for your transaction, you can contact the hotline 02438511640
of the tax office to proactively prepare your documents, avoiding the need for multiple trips.
These are all the information about the location, phone number, and working hours of the Đống Đa District Tax Office compiled by Mytour. For any inquiries, you can leave a comment below, Mytour will update accordingly. If you want to know more information about the Address of the Hai Bà Trưng District Tax Office, you can refer to this article by Mytour.