Embark on the journey with Mytour in the article below to discover the construction and deployment of the 8-bit Guardians playstyle.

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Appearing in TFT 10 with a unique Simulation costume, the 8-bit tribe possesses a special mechanism allowing players to accumulate damage dealt in combat and add it to the damage of 8-bit champions. By consistently ensuring a stable amount of damage throughout the match, players only need to build a solid defense with the Guardians to easily climb to the top.

8-bit Guardians Composition reaches perfection at level 9, including: Lillia, K'Sante, Garen, Riven, Ekko, Mordekaiser, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank, and Lucian. Note that you'll need an 8-bit Superstar for this synergy. If it's Corki, replace Riven or seek a Superstar Caitlyn in the late game.
Caitlyn, the main damage dealer, should be the priority for early itemization. The Infinity Edge, Runaan's Hurricane, and Giant Slayer combo enhances her skills with significant damage. Blitzcrank acts as the primary tank, while Lucian ensures supplementary damage in the late game.

If you manage to upgrade Riven to 3 stars, you can keep a few items for her. Here are the recommended item combos for each champion:
- Blitzcrank: Dragon's Claw, Thornmail, and Bloodthirster.
- Lucian: Infinity Edge, Runaan's Hurricane, and Deathblade.
- Riven: Giant Slayer, Bloodthirster, and Sterak's Gage.
Starting with 8-bit Superstar Corki, players can activate 4 synergies at level 5 by combining Corki, K'Sante, Kai'Sa, Garen, and Riven. To optimize the 8-bit damage accumulation, early itemization is crucial. Prioritize attack-oriented items to dominate early stages and build a winning streak. Always keep one Lillia on the bench.

Moving a bit further to levels 6 and 7, a crucial stage where players have two different team composition options. If your Kai'Sa is still 1-star and lacks damage from items, add Yone and Kayle to trigger the 3-piece Divine synergy. Conversely, if your composition lacks defensive capabilities, Mordekaiser and Ekko are suitable choices to complete the 4-piece Guardians.

As soon as the third Carousel ends, immediately level up to 8 and aggressively roll to find a Superstar Caitlyn, replacing Corki. Sell Kai'Sa to equip the carry and add any Adept champion. After leveling all champions in the composition to 2 stars, accumulate gold and reach level 9 to roll for Lucian. Don't forget to add Lilia to complete the core lineup.

In case you can't get the 8-bit Superstar, you can still operate the 8-bit Guardians composition with a different combination using any Superstar champions. The suggested lineup includes: Corki, Garen, Riven, Ekko, Mordekaiser, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Blitzcrank, and Lucian.

Overall, 8-bit Guardians are a robust composition in the current TFT 10 meta with diverse gameplay and various customizable variations for players to experiment with and innovate. This article serves as a reference on how to build and execute the 8-bit Guardians composition, hoping it aids players in their gaming experience and rank climbing.
Explore more: TFT 10 - Top 5 Strongest Team Compositions Early Season, Learn Now for the Heat!