Doom taken by surprise as mischievous mice disrupt
The iconic Doom game is known to be playable on various unconventional platforms. Some modders have gone as far as enabling Doom to run on ATMs, cameras, bread toasters, pianos, pregnancy test kits, and even a pocket computer powered by potatoes. However, it seems this is the first instance of hearing about Doom being played by a mouse.
A YouTuber and neuroscientist named Viktor Tóth has engineered a sophisticated machine allowing a mouse to engage in Doom 2 gameplay. The mouse is suspended on a polystyrene ball, clad in a tiny woolen sweater, and maneuvers on the ball to trigger sensors that control the character movement in Doom 2.
Additionally, there is another device placed in front of the mouse to assist in shooting within Doom 2, as well as to reward the mouse with food and water during play. Finally, there is a massive curved screen for the mouse to recognize and interact with Doom 2.