Imagine you have a column of sequence numbers from 1 - 8 and you need to delete a random number from the middle of this column. You'll have to renumber because Excel on your computer won't automatically update when you use the traditional numbering style. This can be really frustrating for long columns of sequence numbers with thousands of rows. In this article, I'll show you how to automatically update sequence numbers in Excel when deleting rows conveniently.
How to Automatically Update Sequence Numbers in Excel
Step 1: Open the Excel file you need to number.
Step 3: Drag from the position of the formula you just entered to the desired position.
Step 4: Now you've numbered the rows. If you want to delete a row in this column, simply right-click on the sequence number of the row you want to delete and choose Delete.
Step 5: Now you'll see the row you wanted to delete has disappeared and Excel automatically updates the sequence numbers.
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