Tips for Choosing Fresh and Meaty Razor Clams


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the distinguishing characteristics of red clams compared to green clams?

Red clams have a reddish-pink body and relatively soft shells, while green clams are characterized by their hard shells and green-hued bodies. Green clams are considered more delicious, with sweeter and firmer meat compared to red clams.

How can you identify the freshest clams when shopping at the market?

To identify the freshest clams, look for those with tightly closed shells, indicating they are young and have firm meat. Additionally, selecting green clams ensures you receive the highest quality and nutrient-rich options available.

When is the best time to purchase delicious clams according to fishermen's experience?

According to fishermen, the best time to purchase delicious clams is at the end or beginning of the month when clams are typically plump, fresh, and meaty. This ensures you enjoy the most flavorful clams for your meals.

What is the difference between meat clams and brick clams?

Meat clams, which are male, have small, rounded mantles and are generally tastier with more meat compared to female clams. Brick clams, on the other hand, feature elongated, larger mantles and typically contain more bricks than meat clams.