Tips for Spotting Genuine and Fake iPhone 7 Plus: Tricks to Identify Clone and Counterfeit iPhone 7 Plus


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key features to distinguish a genuine iPhone 7 Plus from a counterfeit one?

To distinguish a genuine iPhone 7 Plus from a counterfeit, check for features like the number of flashlights, printed information on the back, and the design of the speaker and charging port. Genuine devices have four flashlights, neatly printed details, and deeply recessed screws, while counterfeit ones often have only two flashlights, thick uneven print, and visible screws.

How can I tell if my iPhone 7 Plus has authentic software and applications?

You can identify authentic software by checking the display screen quality, app store access, and unique features like Facetime. Genuine iPhone 7 Plus displays vibrant colors and has access to the Apple App Store, while counterfeit devices often run Android and display inferior quality.

Does the iPhone 7 Plus have unique features that counterfeit devices lack?

Yes, genuine iPhone 7 Plus devices have unique features such as a high-quality display, the ability to use Facetime, and a sensor feature that lights up the screen when lifted. Counterfeit devices do not include these functionalities, often substituting with lesser alternatives.

Can I rely on the appearance of an iPhone 7 Plus to determine its authenticity?

While appearance can offer some clues, it is not entirely reliable. Counterfeit iPhone 7 Plus devices can closely mimic the look of genuine ones. Therefore, it's crucial to check specific features and functionalities, such as the number of flashlights and software capabilities.

What should I do if I suspect my iPhone 7 Plus is counterfeit?

If you suspect your iPhone 7 Plus is counterfeit, compare its features with official specifications. Look for discrepancies in hardware, software, and functionality. If in doubt, consider consulting an expert or taking the device to an authorized service center for verification.