While browsing, reading articles, and searching for information, users always care about the page loading speed and smooth browsing experience with multiple tabs open. To make your Android device run Chrome smoother, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Open the app menu and launch Chrome. If you don't have it yet, you can download it for free here
Step 2: Enter the address bar: '
Step 3: Locate the Maximum Tiles for Interest Area line. Choose the down arrow icon currently set to Default
Step 4: Here, change Default to 256 or 512 depending on your device configuration.
For devices with less RAM, this change can free up memory much faster and may slow down your device. If you encounter this issue, change it to 256.
Step 5: Finally, choose Relaunch Now at the bottom right of the screen to complete the setup
After configuring, the speed of Chrome on Android will be significantly improved. Note that if you're not familiar, you shouldn't customize other items in Chrome://flag/