Execution Steps:
- Step 1: Keep knees bent, lying on your back.
- Step 2: Place both feet flat on the ground, hands relaxed behind the head.
- Step 3: Lift right elbow and shoulder while simultaneously bringing the left knee towards the left shoulder. Aim to touch the elbow and knee. Breathe out during this movement.
- Step 4: Return to Step 2, inhale, and repeat with the left elbow and right knee.
Perform 10-15 reps/round for 2 minutes. Beginners can start with fewer reps to avoid muscle strain. This exercise helps trim your waistline effectively.
Engage in abdominal exercisesClimb the staircase daily for a quick workout. If you have stairs at home or live in an apartment building, take advantage of it. Run up and down for about 3 minutes, then rest for 2 minutes before resuming. This activity efficiently burns calories and abdominal fat. Additionally, stair climbing is excellent for cardiovascular health. Initially, you may experience fatigue and soreness in your thighs, but persevere with low intensity at the beginning and gradually increase over time.
For those fortunate enough to have stairs at home or in an apartment building, running up and down is a convenient and effective exercise. Spend approximately 3 minutes on this routine, followed by a 2-minute break before resuming. This method aids in the rapid burning of calories and abdominal fat. Moreover, stair running contributes positively to heart health. Initially, you may encounter fatigue and thigh soreness, but with consistent training, these discomforts will subside. It is advisable to start with low intensity and progressively intensify the workout.
Run the stairsPractice the push-up exercise continuously for about 1 minute. If you are a beginner, start with a light intensity of around 20 repetitions per minute and gradually increase. Some individuals have achieved a smaller waistline by consistently doing 200 push-ups daily for two months. Feel confident in wearing form-fitting attire. If possible, consider purchasing push-up equipment to make your workout more efficient and manageable.
To tone your body, incorporate the push-up exercise into your routine for approximately 1 minute. Beginners should start with a gentle intensity of around 20 repetitions per minute and gradually progress. Witness the transformation as some have successfully reduced their waist size by consistently completing 200 push-ups daily over two months. Boost your confidence by wearing snug-fitting outfits. If feasible, invest in push-up equipment for a more convenient and effective workout.
Engage in push-up exercises
Incorporate V-up exercises into your routine. Lie flat on the floor with your head, back, and buttocks close to the ground, arms straight. Inhale deeply and extend your arms towards your toes, maintaining this position for 3 seconds. (If you find it challenging initially, use a slight force to lift your legs and extend your arms towards your toes.) Exhale, repeating step one. Perform 10-15 repetitions per set, aiming for 2-3 sets for optimal results.
Add V-up exercises to your workout routine. Lie flat on the ground with your head, back, and buttocks in close proximity to the floor, arms extended straight. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms towards your toes, holding this position for 3 seconds. (For beginners, using a bit of force to lift your legs and extend your arms towards your toes is acceptable.) Exhale and repeat step one. Aim for 10-15 repetitions per set, completing 2-3 sets for quick and effective results.
Achieve the V-Up Pose with StyleGet Ready for a Sculpted Core with the Crunch
Follow these steps for a killer ab workout. Lie on your back, extend your arms and legs. Inhale and lift your legs high, keeping your knees straight. Exhale and lower them down. Repeat 15 reps per set, aim for 3-5 sets. (Tip: Perform the exercise slowly for maximum effectiveness). This move targets your lower abs, providing a firm and toned midsection. You can easily do this at home without the need for a gym.
Enhance your glutes with Hip Thrusts
Cardiovascular exercise is effective in burning calories and reducing abdominal fat. It also promotes heart health. When running, maintain the highest speed for optimal results. Regulate your breathing to run longer. For beginners, start with 15 minutes of slow jogging, followed by 15 minutes of fast running, then walk for 10 minutes. This helps your heart adapt to intensity, encourages sweating, and reduces excess fat.
Engage in Running for a Cardio Boost
How to perform:
- Step 1: Lie face down on the floor, similar to a push-up position. Place your forearms on the floor to support your body weight. Keep your toes on the floor, forming a straight line from shoulders to toes.
- Step 2: Lift your body off the floor, maintaining a straight line from shoulders to toes.
Note: Hold this position for 30-40 seconds, repeat 3 times. If you experience lower back discomfort, lower your body.
Achieve a solid core with the Plank exercise.Take your workout to the next level with the Hanging Knee Rise. Hang from the bar, hands positioned wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift your knees towards your chest, engaging your abdominal muscles. Lower your legs and repeat. Remember to breathe consistently throughout the exercise. For optimal results, consider incorporating this movement after a focused arm workout.
Enhance your fitness routine with the Hanging Knee Rise. Hang from the bar, palms facing outwards, hands gripping the bar wider than shoulder-width apart, and legs closed. Pull yourself up, simultaneously bringing your knees as close to your chest as possible, engaging your core for 2-3 seconds. Lower your legs and repeat the motion. Exhale as you pull up, inhale as you lower down. For a balanced workout, focus on strengthening your arms with weights before attempting this exercise regularly.
Elevated Knee Lifts with StyleHow to do it:
- Step 1: Place your hands behind your head, lie on your back on the floor, and lift your knees to a 90-degree angle with the floor.
- Step 2: Inhale and lift your head and shoulders off the floor, twisting your body to the right so that your left elbow touches your right knee, hold for a few seconds (preferably 2-3 seconds).
- Step 3: Exhale and return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side. Repeat this exercise 12-15 times.
This movement is similar to a traditional crunch but offers different benefits. Breathe steadily to avoid abdominal pain, and if you feel any discomfort, stop.
Sculpted Side CrunchCác thông tin chỉ dành cho mục đích tham khảo. Chúng tôi khuyến nghị người đọc nên tham vấn ý kiến của các chuyên gia. Chúng tôi sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về những trường hợp tự ý áp dụng khi chưa có tư vấn của chuyên gia lòng liên hệ tổng đài chăm sóc: 1900 2083 hoặc email:
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