1. Spices
According to information from medical sources, a person with normal blood pressure should have 120/80, where 120 is called systolic blood pressure, and 80 is called diastolic blood pressure. If the systolic pressure is higher than 140mm Hg and the diastolic pressure is higher than 90mm Hg, the patient should visit the nearest hospital for diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure.
One of the most common causes of high blood pressure is often excessive salt intake. High salt concentration in meals is the culprit often found in patients with this condition. Limit salt in your diet, and instead, add black pepper and oregano, both of which are beneficial for people with high blood pressure.
2. Tomato
Tomatoes add flavor to your meals and have numerous health benefits, especially in helping you control blood pressure and maintain heart health. High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and mortality. Adding tomatoes to your diet can help reduce this risk.
Tomatoes are rich in carotenoids like lycopene and beta-carotene, powerful antioxidants. Increasing tomato intake in your diet can help neutralize free radicals and eliminate harmful toxins from the body. This not only slows the progression of arterial plaque but also reduces oxidative stress and supports blood pressure control. Tomatoes also contain vitamin E, another antioxidant, and potassium, a crucial mineral for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body and aiding blood pressure control. Therefore, consider incorporating more tomatoes into your diet if you have high blood pressure.
3. Celery
Not only a versatile ingredient for delicious dishes, celery also provides essential nutrients that contribute to preventing various dangerous conditions, especially high blood pressure.
Scientific studies suggest that celery has numerous health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, diuretic effects, and relaxing blood vessels. You can include celery in stir-fries or juice it for consumption. However, it's advisable not to consume this type of food every day as it may lead to skin sensitivity and discoloration.
4. Water Spinach
As one of the most common vegetables, water spinach is rich in potassium, helping reduce blood pressure, effectively maintaining blood pressure within stable limits. It's advisable to include water spinach in the weekly diet of hypertensive patients.
Water spinach is also high in calcium, beneficial for maintaining the permeability of blood vessels and regulating blood pressure within normal limits. This type of food is especially suitable for individuals with high blood pressure accompanied by headaches. Therefore, you should incorporate water spinach into your daily meals.
5. Carrot
Carrots, with a higher sugar content compared to other vegetables, also contain carotene. When absorbed by the body, it converts into vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, and copper.
Carrots are rich in potassium and beta-carotene, crucial factors contributing to preventing the risk of heart disease and controlling blood pressure. They also help make blood vessels more flexible, preventing the risk of stroke due to overly tense blood vessels. Consider drinking carrot juice daily if you have heart-related conditions or high blood pressure with symptoms of dizziness.
6. Saffron
Despite being a relatively expensive spice, no one can deny the benefits of saffron in lowering blood pressure. In addition to its use in cooking, saffron can also be infused for drinking with tea.
Saffron is rich in vitamin B6, a nutrient beneficial for hemoglobin synthesis. It plays an effective role in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and regulating blood pressure. Regular and proper use of saffron will help stabilize blood pressure, addressing high blood pressure issues thoroughly.
7. Garlic
Garlic is also a beneficial spice for high blood pressure. The oil from garlic helps reduce systolic blood pressure by about 25% and diastolic blood pressure by 15%. Both dried and raw garlic aid in eliminating bad cholesterol and maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in the body, making garlic extremely beneficial for those with high blood pressure.
You can incorporate garlic into your daily diet by consuming it raw, using it as a seasoning when cooking, eating it lightly cooked, and more. Adding garlic to your daily routine will help you keep your blood pressure stable.
8. Garlic
A familiar spice in kitchens, garlic has numerous natural healing properties, especially for blood and heart-related ailments. Instead of cooking it thoroughly, you can also consume raw garlic as part of your menu.
Allicin, a active component in garlic, is mainly responsible for lowering blood pressure. Alliinase is an enzyme released when garlic is crushed or raw garlic is chewed. Subsequently, alliinase undergoes a series of reactions, leading to the formation of allicin. Even dried garlic will provide you with allicin. Eating 1-2 cloves of garlic daily is the simplest method to reduce blood pressure.
9. Broccoli
Broccoli has long been considered a superfood for human health. Broccoli has immense nutritional value. It is a food source rich in iron, protein, calcium, chromium, carbohydrates, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
The compound Glucoraphanin in broccoli is effective in controlling and reducing the risk of stroke. Using broccoli to cook soup or stir-frying is excellent for the diet of those with high blood pressure.
10. Oatmeal Porridge
As a fiber-rich food with low fat and sodium content, and being economical, oatmeal porridge is one of the most popular, essential foods for those with high blood pressure.
The ideal time to eat oatmeal porridge is in the morning because it not only helps in treating high blood pressure but also serves as an energy-boosting food for an active day. Avoid adding sugar and consider supplementing with fresh, chilled fruits to accompany the oatmeal porridge.
11. Asparagus
Asparagus is often used as a simple dish but is highly nutritious and has many medicinal properties. So how does asparagus benefit human health? Green asparagus contains many essential nutrients for the body. Green asparagus is a valuable food, originating from Europe.
Asparagus has excellent blood circulation, helps relax blood vessels, promotes a healthy body, is diuretic, and is good for the heart. Include asparagus in the menu for those with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis every week.
12. Turnip
Many scientific reports have pointed out that consuming fresh fruits and vegetables daily has many health benefits for humans. In particular, turnip, a food that many consumers buy daily.
Researchers have shown that the health of those with high blood pressure is significantly improved after drinking turnip juice. In addition, the nitrate content in turnip juice can help lower blood pressure within 24 hours. You can juice turnips for drinking or cook the turnip with sugar to eat or prepare dishes from turnips, such as stewed dishes.
13. Unsweetened Milk
Milk is an excellent food for health, containing all essential nutrient groups for the body such as protein, lipids, sugar, vitamins, and minerals. Milk is a highly nutritious food, very good for health.
Unsweetened milk is an incredibly wonderful source of nutrition in providing calcium, low in essential fats in our daily diet, and is very helpful in lowering blood pressure.
Instead of consuming high-fat milk, you should opt for low-fat options such as various types of yogurt.
14. Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are high in potassium, helping your body achieve a higher potassium-to-sodium ratio, neutralizing sodium in the body. This allows the body to eliminate sodium through the kidneys via urine, resulting in lowered blood pressure. Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, curly kale, green turnips, basket cabbage, and watercress are rich in potassium.
It's advisable to choose fresh green vegetables, as canned ones often contain additional sodium. You can also opt for frozen vegetables, as they retain nutrients similar to fresh ones and are easy to store.
15. Berries
Various berries, especially blueberries, are abundant in a natural compound called flavonoids. Research suggests that consuming flavonoids may prevent high blood pressure and lower blood pressure.
Include berries such as blueberries and strawberries in your daily nutrition. For families with someone dealing with high blood pressure, prepare and use these berries as a nutritious dessert that everyone can enjoy.